Friday, November 6, 2009

Support the President's Health Care Legislation

The experts have backed the latest house bill, which includes the public option. That is, the American Medical Association, the nation's best and most revered association of doctors, and the AARP, who watches health reform like a hawk, have both endorsed the house bill. In the meantime, the Republicans have produced a bill which will not cover 95% of the uninsured. While conservatives like Charles Krauthammer have declared the 2008 transformation dead, the President is about to secure the greatest victory for working people since FDR over the deliberate obfuscation and lies produced by the Republican party about health care reform. If the Republicans cannot listen to the AMA who for years opposed health reform, you know that their motivations are completely tied to moneyed interests. I do not write this lightly. I have very deep respect for intelligent conservatives like Krauthammer and Will,but this time the right is way off. If we do not pass health reform now, we will not be able to pass it for another 20 years. In the meantime, and I write this with absolute certitude, another 30 to 40 million workers will lose health insurace.

Right now, we rank behind Cuba--Cuba--the Marxist prison state--in infant mortality rate. To ignore this and to listen to the moneyed interests opposing health reform would be a terribly irresponsible thing to do.

The President is not imposing socialism on anyone. The reform relies on private insurance. The public option is just that--an option!!! It would promote competition in a market in which current insurers are underinsuring Americans, especially working people.

The President's Health Reform is an example of progress.

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