Thursday, August 18, 2011

Let's Use Intelligence As We Deliberate About Economic Policy

As we consider our fiscal priorities over the next few years, it is wise to recall John Rawls' book A Theory Of Justice. In this text, Rawls argues successfully that the economic policies that are best for the poor are the most rational and thus the best policies.

His argument proceeds as follows: imagine that you do not know your status in society. All you know is that you are rational and self interested. You are asked to choose the economic policies that will guide your country. Which economic policies would you choose?

Rawls argues that we all would choose the policies that are best for the poor because when we are placed back into society we could be poor. We would not choose policies that would make the poor suffer because we could end up being the suffering poor. Therefore, the most rational policies are the policies that most help the poor and vulnerable.

Will the US Congress act to lower the rate of poverty and to protect the health care reform law that extended insurance to 20 million uninsured Americans?

Only if they behave rationally.

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