Thoughtful essay in The Economist.
Note the recommendations for paid maternity leave and better child care in the US. I support both.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Understanding Progress
The Economist has an excellent essay about the nature of progress. It examines progress from a variety of perspectives and then concludes that progress is real, but not inevitable and that technological progress must be governed by moral progress. I completely agree. The piece is also written very well. I would add that the moral sensibility (analyzed by an American philosopher named Susan Neiman) that the essay refers to must be informed by a spiritual sensibility. That is, people will not sacrifice without an orientation toward the ultimate mystery of life. This mystery Buddhists call emptiness. Christians, Muslims and Jews call the mystery God. If we take the time to let ourselves let go of the rivalries and anxieties that the world seems to force upon us and sit in silence then we will experience that we--individually--are loved and accepted completely. When we then share this experience with others through liturgy and communal practice, we experience that we are accepted in peace by and with others.
It is this experience of wishing humanity well and of knowing our shared dignity that best motivates each of us to take risks, to question communal injustices, to challenge powerful scientific, political and economic interests with the desire to help the world see the truth and to oppose injustice. It is this spiritual experience, described so beautifully by each of the world's great religions, that frees us to forgive, reconcile and fertilize our renewed institutions with human creativity.
It is this spiritual experience that motivated Gandhi, King and Buber. It is this spiritual experience that motivated other lesser known prophets like the prophetic Jan Karski--who voluntarily underwent the torment of a Nazi death camp to attempt to end the Holocaust. It is spiritual experience that motivates Nobel Prize winners like the Dalai Lama and Barack Obama. It is spiritual experience that motivates prophets to critique distortion in spiritual institutions.
Special thanks to the Economist for this insightful piece.
It is this experience of wishing humanity well and of knowing our shared dignity that best motivates each of us to take risks, to question communal injustices, to challenge powerful scientific, political and economic interests with the desire to help the world see the truth and to oppose injustice. It is this spiritual experience, described so beautifully by each of the world's great religions, that frees us to forgive, reconcile and fertilize our renewed institutions with human creativity.
It is this spiritual experience that motivated Gandhi, King and Buber. It is this spiritual experience that motivated other lesser known prophets like the prophetic Jan Karski--who voluntarily underwent the torment of a Nazi death camp to attempt to end the Holocaust. It is spiritual experience that motivates Nobel Prize winners like the Dalai Lama and Barack Obama. It is spiritual experience that motivates prophets to critique distortion in spiritual institutions.
Special thanks to the Economist for this insightful piece.
The Crisis of College Costs
The Washington Post today reports that median household income has increased 17.6% since 1980 while the tuition, room and board at American universities has increased 120.7%. Moreover, the financial maneuvers that families had counted on to deal with universal university inflation have evaporated: students had counted on inexpensive student loans, but after the financial crisis, these have become more expensive and harder to come by. Parents had been using home equity loans, but since housing values have collapsed, home equity has disappeared. In the meantime, declining tax revenues and Wall Street bound endowments have prompted universities to cut back on grants and other financial aid.
Education experts are now worrying that universities will start sacrificing quality. Here are a few brief inter-holiday thoughts to get policy makers thinking about ways to turn this situation around:
1. Maintain the Democratic Congress that values education. If we start thinking we can allow our financial mess to pressure us into sacrificing quality at universities, we are sorely mistaken. In an era of booming trade deficits, our higher education system is still one product (if you want to call it a product) that the world prefers. In this increasingly culturally flat world, we want to ensure that foreign students will want to continue to come to the US to learn and then stay on as risk-taking innovators.
2. Invest in Pell Grants and change the requirements so that some of the middle class can qualify for them. Right now, many middle class families do not qualify for grants and are afraid of racking up tens of thousands of dollars (or even hundreds of thousands of dollars) of debt.
3. Expand Americorps and its student loan forgiveness program. Create more service opportunities so that more college grads have the chance to teach and engage in other forms of service while reducing student loan debt. Expand student loan forgiveness for other post-graduate service programs. More students will take risks and attend college if they know that they have somewhere to go after graduation.
4. As I have written before, expand the Peace Corps and turn it into the Green Corps, spreading carbon free energy throughout the world. If incomes stay flat, consider working student loan forgiveness into Green Corps service. For every month of Green Corps service, the federal government will forgive 5% of the loan. Allow Green Corps volunteers to serve more than one two year term.
5. Universities need to continue to examine needless spending. It is obvious that the increase in university costs have not translated into better economic opportunities for all Americans. If these expenditures did make a difference in the economic well-being of the American people, then median family income would have increased at a faster rate. Truth be told, if you look at the graph in the Post article, median income declined or remained flat from 2000 to 2009 while the cost of universities exploded from 74% to 120.7% (in comparison to 1980). In some cases, universities are spending money trying to create the most chic student housing. In other cases, administrators are being paid ridiculous amounts of money. Perhaps we need a governmental commission to make recommendations and then some kind of government action to enforce them (ie, certain states and universities do not get federal funding if they do not abide by the recommendations).
It is true that some of these proposals will cost money, but it will be money we will invest in our future, money that will increase future economic activity and thus reduce future debt. As for cutting unnecessary costs, all universities have some sense about how to do that.
Education experts are now worrying that universities will start sacrificing quality. Here are a few brief inter-holiday thoughts to get policy makers thinking about ways to turn this situation around:
1. Maintain the Democratic Congress that values education. If we start thinking we can allow our financial mess to pressure us into sacrificing quality at universities, we are sorely mistaken. In an era of booming trade deficits, our higher education system is still one product (if you want to call it a product) that the world prefers. In this increasingly culturally flat world, we want to ensure that foreign students will want to continue to come to the US to learn and then stay on as risk-taking innovators.
2. Invest in Pell Grants and change the requirements so that some of the middle class can qualify for them. Right now, many middle class families do not qualify for grants and are afraid of racking up tens of thousands of dollars (or even hundreds of thousands of dollars) of debt.
3. Expand Americorps and its student loan forgiveness program. Create more service opportunities so that more college grads have the chance to teach and engage in other forms of service while reducing student loan debt. Expand student loan forgiveness for other post-graduate service programs. More students will take risks and attend college if they know that they have somewhere to go after graduation.
4. As I have written before, expand the Peace Corps and turn it into the Green Corps, spreading carbon free energy throughout the world. If incomes stay flat, consider working student loan forgiveness into Green Corps service. For every month of Green Corps service, the federal government will forgive 5% of the loan. Allow Green Corps volunteers to serve more than one two year term.
5. Universities need to continue to examine needless spending. It is obvious that the increase in university costs have not translated into better economic opportunities for all Americans. If these expenditures did make a difference in the economic well-being of the American people, then median family income would have increased at a faster rate. Truth be told, if you look at the graph in the Post article, median income declined or remained flat from 2000 to 2009 while the cost of universities exploded from 74% to 120.7% (in comparison to 1980). In some cases, universities are spending money trying to create the most chic student housing. In other cases, administrators are being paid ridiculous amounts of money. Perhaps we need a governmental commission to make recommendations and then some kind of government action to enforce them (ie, certain states and universities do not get federal funding if they do not abide by the recommendations).
It is true that some of these proposals will cost money, but it will be money we will invest in our future, money that will increase future economic activity and thus reduce future debt. As for cutting unnecessary costs, all universities have some sense about how to do that.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
A Guiding Principle For Christians Considering Health Care Reform
The principle is now accepted by many different churches, but originated with Catholic Biblical reflection in Latin America. The principle is called "Preferential Option for the poor." Because the poor are so vulnerable (as in the case of the 12 year old who died of a tooth ache), and because they are affected by government policy more than the middle and upper classes, we must opt for the poor. That is, we need to choose the health care policy that most benefits the poor. As we look at the two basic options--the Democratic option that, although it seems to have lost the public option, will cover 90-95% of the uninsured (working poor) or the Republican option that will cover 5% of the uninsured (working poor)--the choice is clear: support that Democratic option. We have these statistics from the Congressional Budget Office, the most reliable source.
Recall Matthew 25:40 'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.'
And Acts 2:45 All who believed were together and had all things in common;
they would sell their property and possessions and divide them among all according to each one's need.
I am not advocating socialism. The principle allows for income differences, but when faced with two options--one helping the poor and the other indifferent to the poor--you choose the option that most helps the poor.
I have never heard an effective conservative response to this argument.
Moreover, you could argue that the policy that most helps the poor is also the most reasonable. Following the analysis of John Rawls in his Theory of Justice, the most rational choice is to choose the policy that most helps the poor because it is possible that someday you could be poor and would need the government subsidy for health care.
As the Catholic Church has taught me for years, faith and reason are always in harmony for God is the author of both faith and reason.
Recall Matthew 25:40 'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.'
And Acts 2:45 All who believed were together and had all things in common;
they would sell their property and possessions and divide them among all according to each one's need.
I am not advocating socialism. The principle allows for income differences, but when faced with two options--one helping the poor and the other indifferent to the poor--you choose the option that most helps the poor.
I have never heard an effective conservative response to this argument.
Moreover, you could argue that the policy that most helps the poor is also the most reasonable. Following the analysis of John Rawls in his Theory of Justice, the most rational choice is to choose the policy that most helps the poor because it is possible that someday you could be poor and would need the government subsidy for health care.
As the Catholic Church has taught me for years, faith and reason are always in harmony for God is the author of both faith and reason.
Prayers of Gratitude For Democracy
Given some of the rancor in the Senate, it seems to me that we should be praying for the well-being of each other, not that a 91 year old sage should be too infirm to make it to the Senate Chamber. It is the Holiday season. I pray for the well-being of all Americans, liberal and conservative. I pray in gratitude that I live in a democracy when so many do not. I pray that the USA might renew its commitment to freedom and the open and charitable exchange of ideas. I pray in gratitude that, as we move to a Senate vote on the Health bill, we might very well improve the lives of the poor.
Perhaps it would help to actually read passages of the Bible:
Matthew 25:
When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit upon his glorious throne,
and all the nations 15 will be assembled before him. And he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.
He will place the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.
Then the king will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me,
naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.'
Then the righteous 16 will answer him and say, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink?
When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you?
When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?'
And the king will say to them in reply, 'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.'
17 Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink,
a stranger and you gave me no welcome, naked and you gave me no clothing, ill and in prison, and you did not care for me.'
18 Then they will answer and say, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison, and not minister to your needs?'
He will answer them, 'Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.'
And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life."
Micah 6
Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams, with myriad streams of oil? Shall I give my first-born for my crime, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?
You have been told, O man, what is good, and what the LORD requires of you: Only to do the right and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God.
Perhaps it would help to actually read passages of the Bible:
Matthew 25:
When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit upon his glorious throne,
and all the nations 15 will be assembled before him. And he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.
He will place the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.
Then the king will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me,
naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.'
Then the righteous 16 will answer him and say, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink?
When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you?
When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?'
And the king will say to them in reply, 'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.'
17 Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink,
a stranger and you gave me no welcome, naked and you gave me no clothing, ill and in prison, and you did not care for me.'
18 Then they will answer and say, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or ill or in prison, and not minister to your needs?'
He will answer them, 'Amen, I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.'
And these will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life."
Micah 6
Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams, with myriad streams of oil? Shall I give my first-born for my crime, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?
You have been told, O man, what is good, and what the LORD requires of you: Only to do the right and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Here's Another Reminder: Twelve Year Old Deamonte Driver died because he did not have insurance
The Washington Post article
Senator Cardin just reminded us of the event on C-SPAN. Could just one Republican respond to this example? I want to read the rationalization. No disrespect intended. The Democrats have a few blind spots too. I just want to hear someone respond to this.
How can you claim that we already have the best health care in the world when this happened? A twelve year old. Can we give the working, and the word is working, poor the Christmas gift of ensuring that their children will not die of toothaches?
Let's let the Spirit of Justice lead us on this one.
Senator Cardin just reminded us of the event on C-SPAN. Could just one Republican respond to this example? I want to read the rationalization. No disrespect intended. The Democrats have a few blind spots too. I just want to hear someone respond to this.
How can you claim that we already have the best health care in the world when this happened? A twelve year old. Can we give the working, and the word is working, poor the Christmas gift of ensuring that their children will not die of toothaches?
Let's let the Spirit of Justice lead us on this one.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Congratulations to President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton
Congratulations in successfully accomplishing what has evaded American leaders for twenty years: leading (and the word is leading) the industrial world into a preliminary agreement that will lead to monitoring and reducing green house gases. From more than one account, President Obama played a crucial role in preventing China, India, Brazil and South Africa from cutting a secret deal without the US. The President continually challenged other leaders to make commitments and the US led the effort to provide $100 billion to poor nations to help them deal with their own carbon problems. Secretary of State Clinton also challenged China to allow for international inspections, something the Chinese were not willing to do.
The issue is simple: we are the world's leading democracy. We set the example in transparency and accountability for the world. Recall the world's amazement with the way we resolved the 2000 election. We can do this again--this time with carbon, and it will provide an economic boon for us. The world's citizenry is concerned about carbon. We are Americans. We can surpass the other nations in carbon free production. We can prove it, advertise it, and thus lead. We lead the world in almost every other form of technology. Let's provide leadership in green cars, green energy, green production. The world will buy more American than Chinese because the world knows that, unlike the Chinese (whom I respect), we are not afraid of letting international observers prove that our products are ecologically sustainable.
Once again, thanks to the Obama administration for leading the world!
The issue is simple: we are the world's leading democracy. We set the example in transparency and accountability for the world. Recall the world's amazement with the way we resolved the 2000 election. We can do this again--this time with carbon, and it will provide an economic boon for us. The world's citizenry is concerned about carbon. We are Americans. We can surpass the other nations in carbon free production. We can prove it, advertise it, and thus lead. We lead the world in almost every other form of technology. Let's provide leadership in green cars, green energy, green production. The world will buy more American than Chinese because the world knows that, unlike the Chinese (whom I respect), we are not afraid of letting international observers prove that our products are ecologically sustainable.
Once again, thanks to the Obama administration for leading the world!
This Generation's Crucial Vote: Health Care Now!
This is it. If the Senate does not pass this bill, we will not have Health Care Reform for another 15 to 20 years. 30 million uninsured will continue to be uninsured, another 5 to 15 million will lose insurance, and, according to the Congressional Budget Office, the federal debt will increase by trillions. Vice President Biden makes the case in The New York Times.
The Vice President is absolutely correct. This bill represents progress! There will be opportunities to build upon it in the future, but if we fail to pass it, we fail millions and hasten the dissolution of the Democratic majority in Congress.
From a Catholic perspective, the bill is fantastic. It provides health insurance for the working poor in a manner that progressives since Teddy Roosevelt have been attempting to secure for 100 years. For those religious people who argue that the bill is somehow excessive government decadence, please review the Torah's legal requirements to provide for the poor. The requirements to leave part of your field unharvested so the poor could glean food from them, to provide for widows and orphans, to provide for the foreigner, all of these were legal requirements for a nation. It is not a coincidence that Israel has had universal, government guaranteed health insurance for years. It is also not a coincidence that the Catholic Bishops, guided by the Holy Spirit, have very vigorously, and at times, ferociously demanded universal health insurance for all Americans for 100 years.
Here in Ohio and all around the Lake Erie region, where unemployment is in double digits, this reform is most welcome!
Cheers to the Senate for getting to this point and prayers that the Senate will finally get the job done and that the House-Senate conference will reconcile the different bills in the most progressive manner.
The Vice President is absolutely correct. This bill represents progress! There will be opportunities to build upon it in the future, but if we fail to pass it, we fail millions and hasten the dissolution of the Democratic majority in Congress.
From a Catholic perspective, the bill is fantastic. It provides health insurance for the working poor in a manner that progressives since Teddy Roosevelt have been attempting to secure for 100 years. For those religious people who argue that the bill is somehow excessive government decadence, please review the Torah's legal requirements to provide for the poor. The requirements to leave part of your field unharvested so the poor could glean food from them, to provide for widows and orphans, to provide for the foreigner, all of these were legal requirements for a nation. It is not a coincidence that Israel has had universal, government guaranteed health insurance for years. It is also not a coincidence that the Catholic Bishops, guided by the Holy Spirit, have very vigorously, and at times, ferociously demanded universal health insurance for all Americans for 100 years.
Here in Ohio and all around the Lake Erie region, where unemployment is in double digits, this reform is most welcome!
Cheers to the Senate for getting to this point and prayers that the Senate will finally get the job done and that the House-Senate conference will reconcile the different bills in the most progressive manner.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Cheers to Mr. Charles Krauthammer
Congratulations to Mr. Charles Krauthammer, conservative extraordinaire. Mr. Krauthammer is celebrating twenty years as a columnist. In my opinion, political discourse has benefitted from his column.
No one with any intellectual or rhetorical integrity can deny that his columns about Western self-hatred and liberal equivocation have encouraged liberals to move beyond our weaker moments.
Here's to another twenty years of combative clarification!!
No one with any intellectual or rhetorical integrity can deny that his columns about Western self-hatred and liberal equivocation have encouraged liberals to move beyond our weaker moments.
Here's to another twenty years of combative clarification!!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Important Warning From EJ Dionne
Regarding Democratic Governance. Dionne is one of the clearest thinkers in the US and a committed liberal.
The Link
It would be a disaster to lose the midterm elections.
The Link
It would be a disaster to lose the midterm elections.
Proposal: Host A Future UN Climate Conference in the US Rust Belt
Bring the intellectuals to the places where the rubber hits the road, where ecological thinking has to meet economic reality.
Great Article About Economic Hardship in Ohio
I have to say that the title "Beyond Repair" is a little off. I happen to think that Ohio is going to turn around.
Please note the absolute need to pass Health Care Reform (and I would add the need to have some kind of public option). Also note that NE Ohio would be the perfect place to locate Green Manufacturing!!
Here is the link:
Please note the absolute need to pass Health Care Reform (and I would add the need to have some kind of public option). Also note that NE Ohio would be the perfect place to locate Green Manufacturing!!
Here is the link:
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Turn the Peace Corps Into the Green Corps
People are concerned about how to fund carbon free development in the developing world. Here is a proposal: expand the Peace Corps and provide it with funding to develop carbon free energy sources in the developing world. Currently there are a significant number of college grads with majors in math, engineering and science who cannot find jobs in the US. Employ them in the Peace Corps and send them to every developing country in the world. Then, after they have learned the local language and how to inculturate green practices in the local culture, US business can hire them and US manufacturing can build the wind turbines and photovoltaic cells to equip the green energy machinery. It is a win-win for everyone.
George Soros on Green Development
George Soros has an excellent proposal regarding using Special Drawing Rights to fund green development in the developing world. It will not hurt the American economy at all and may actually help our manufacturing sector. This is explained in his most recent Newsletter.
Homestretch For Health Care Reform
We are very close. The Senate still has to pass its bill and then the two bills go to committee, but we are close. Please contact your senators.
International Holiday Giving
I can think of many worthy causes, but one in particular always tops my list--the Fabretto Foundation of Nicaragua. It was established by Kevin Marinacci, a college friend of mine. Wonderful guy, wonderful staff, wonderful work!!
Here is the link:
Happy Holidays!!
Here is the link:
Happy Holidays!!
Holiday Giving In the Akron Area
Please visit the Akron Beacon Journal website for people helping people:
God Bless Akron!
God Bless Akron!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Jobs and Climate Change
A few sensible thoughts:
1. The future of the American economy is green. More American consumers want products that do not increase our carbon output, but, even more significantly, the global majority wants to buy products that do not increase our carbon output. We have to remain competitive. If the American government and American industry are perceived as being indifferent to ecological concerns, then global consumers will take their business elsewhere. We are finally beginning to become concerned about our trade deficit and the amount of money we owe the Chinese and others. Let's not make it worse.
2. There is a real risk to Climate Change. Even if it is not as catastrophic as some predict, the thought of losing a big part of Manhattan, California, etc, needs to be taken seriously. If 9-11 was catastrophic, losing these areas would be more catastrophic. If the financial meltdown required a huge bailout, imagine the catastrophic bailout of our coastal areas. We are talking about direct, irrecoverable losses of property. The insurance industry alone would lose billions.
3. Here is a great opportunity for investment. As government investment in the space program led to great business opportunities and satellite tech, as the government invention of the world wide web created opportunities (including this blog), government investment in green technologies is already beginning to employ many people. People who mock this should read the way people mocked the possibility of the internal combustion engine when we were first developing that or the way people mocked the idea of the computer.
4. As Americans we are forward thinking, positive people. As we retooled for World War II, we can retool for the preservation of our climate.
God Bless America and the future (and I do mean future) heroes who will take a risk and put together an international treaty!
1. The future of the American economy is green. More American consumers want products that do not increase our carbon output, but, even more significantly, the global majority wants to buy products that do not increase our carbon output. We have to remain competitive. If the American government and American industry are perceived as being indifferent to ecological concerns, then global consumers will take their business elsewhere. We are finally beginning to become concerned about our trade deficit and the amount of money we owe the Chinese and others. Let's not make it worse.
2. There is a real risk to Climate Change. Even if it is not as catastrophic as some predict, the thought of losing a big part of Manhattan, California, etc, needs to be taken seriously. If 9-11 was catastrophic, losing these areas would be more catastrophic. If the financial meltdown required a huge bailout, imagine the catastrophic bailout of our coastal areas. We are talking about direct, irrecoverable losses of property. The insurance industry alone would lose billions.
3. Here is a great opportunity for investment. As government investment in the space program led to great business opportunities and satellite tech, as the government invention of the world wide web created opportunities (including this blog), government investment in green technologies is already beginning to employ many people. People who mock this should read the way people mocked the possibility of the internal combustion engine when we were first developing that or the way people mocked the idea of the computer.
4. As Americans we are forward thinking, positive people. As we retooled for World War II, we can retool for the preservation of our climate.
God Bless America and the future (and I do mean future) heroes who will take a risk and put together an international treaty!
Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown's Sensible Letter On Climate Change
Please see:
The letter was signed by several Democratic Senators. The letter asks for provisions guaranteeing that industry will not take American jobs overseas to countries that pollute more than we do. A sensible concern. Surely more American Senators can support the President and Senator Brown's initiatives.
The letter was signed by several Democratic Senators. The letter asks for provisions guaranteeing that industry will not take American jobs overseas to countries that pollute more than we do. A sensible concern. Surely more American Senators can support the President and Senator Brown's initiatives.
Wonderful Holiday Story From the City of Brotherly Love
People paying it forward!
People paying it forward!
Please Contact Your Senators About A Climate Change Treaty
John Broder in The New York Times on December 12 claims that there is too much division and doubt in the Senate to secure ratification of any kind of International Climate Change Treaty. It is amazing to me that Coca Cola and Unilever, two very profit oriented organizations can sense the danger of delay on this issue, but the US Senate is afraid to act. Who will be the focus of the next Profiles in Courage? I hope someone will step forward.
The rest of the world considers this matter as urgent as terrorism. As Thomas Friedman has written, if there is even a 1% chance that any of the proclaimed impact of climate change is true, we need to act now.
Yes, yes, not all of us live on the coasts. I live in Ohio, but I love to vacation on the Outer Banks. Every American loves our coastal areas. If we do not act with common concern for each other, how can we call ourselves Americans? I am not just an Ohioan. I am an American. We are all Americans.
The rest of the world considers this matter as urgent as terrorism. As Thomas Friedman has written, if there is even a 1% chance that any of the proclaimed impact of climate change is true, we need to act now.
Yes, yes, not all of us live on the coasts. I live in Ohio, but I love to vacation on the Outer Banks. Every American loves our coastal areas. If we do not act with common concern for each other, how can we call ourselves Americans? I am not just an Ohioan. I am an American. We are all Americans.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Cry out with joy and gladness: for among you is the great and Holy One of Israel.
A Reflection on today's psalm:
God is among you. God is among us. Now what does this mean? As we approach the remembering of the birth of Jesus, God is among us.
God is in my wife, as she struggles to balance the demands of being the mother of an Asperger’s child with the very rigorous standards she has for herself as a composition professor. Maria will not turn in a second best effort. She always gives her all. Perhaps too much of her all. She gives her students her all times three, but she does so because she firmly believes that educated people should write well.
God is even in me. Now what does this mean? In my heart, in the most real place I know, there is a gentleness and an attentiveness to what is wonderful in life. When things get really noisy and I am pulled in two directions, trying to satisfy others needs (or is it their wants?), I can slip out of my heart and into the psychic structure of anxiety. But when I let go and return by looking my three year old in the eye, or by listening attentively when my father speaks of the pain in his legs, there is that attentiveness to the human, the tender, and there is wonder in that.
God is in my three year old Emilie as she invents words, dresses herself with her clothes inside out, and lays down her various laws. She takes such delight in a Robek’s Smoothie and in the rides at the Summit Mall. She smiles and I am real.
God is in my nine year old son. He can spell any dinosaur name. He has a very full laugh. At times, he is a bit of a trial. He demands a lot of attention and does not seem to be able to quietly negotiate household diplomacy with Emilie, but when I can walk with him and tell him an amusing story, his noisy distractions fade. Perhaps God’s presence is there most powerfully when I cannot figure John out because at that moment he is so much a mystery. I cannot figure out how to encourage him to sit quietly during his older sister’s performance. I cannot figure out how to encourage him to stop panicking because the three year old imitates him. I just don’t understand why at nine years of age, he has once again jumped back into the world of Thomas the Tank Engine. John is beautiful. There is no doubt about that, but, and it is not easy for me to write this, I mean no harm by it, John is very different, so different from so many other kids and so different from the way I was as a kid. It is hard for me to admit, but in many ways, I just don’t get him. I used to feel guilty about that. I don’t any more. He is different. He has Asperger’s Syndrome. He is simultaneously brilliant and weird. I love him, but he is a mystery to me and so, as mystery, in him stands the Holy One of Israel.
God dwells in Luisa. She is just a very stable, very great kid. Few surprises. A wonderful dancer and a good student. A nice kid. Very helpful with the other two. Very accepting of her brother with whom she shares a room. He will give her a dissertation about trains or dinosaurs on any given night and she will just listen until she falls asleep. Yes, at times, she reaches her limit. I’m just surprised that it doesn’t happen more often. She is a gift.
All my kids are gifts. At times, when Emilie bites the dog, followed by John’s yelling at Emilie, followed by my correcting both of them, followed by John’s pained grimace screaming that Emilie has broken a rule, followed by the dog peeing on the floor, followed by my wife whining that I am not acting quickly enough to get the dog outside, I will think for just a moment “What the heck have I gotten myself into?”. And then my humor returns—another moment over which I have had very little control, another moment like 99.999999999999% of human existence. We don’t have control over much. The great and Holy One of Israel has control and look at what he did—he let go of all of it. He became a completely vulnerable child. He trusted himself with us in the most delicate, powerless and gentle of ways: he became a child. And so my task is to create as he creates—from my vulnerability, from my humanity.
God is among us in our humanity. I know most certainly that the divinity of Jesus is revealed in his humanity, that he is divine because he is the most authentic human who has ever lived. This is perhaps Christianity’s most difficult secret. We like what Roland Flint called “all the stunting with Lazarus and the lepers,” and no doubt it must have been amazing to witness those signs of God’s presence, those works of power. Nevertheless, I have witnessed God’s presence in the powerless--in the homeless who do not smell powerful and proper, in the death of a fourteen year old boy when I was a volunteer in South Africa, in the tears of the twelve year old child of a drug addict, in the suffering of my wife as Luisa’s head got stuck and she had to undergo a C-Section. Never have I sensed God’s presence more than when I have been with people who had no power at all and, who in their helpless condition, looked to me to just listen, to hold a hand, to just say “I’m here.”
I am here, I exist now, I am here with the crucified and risen Christ, in the miracle of his world, in the power of faith, as a sign of God’s love myself. I am here and I know this gentle Jesus, revealed as most human—as a child—powerless and vulnerable. He just is—human—and, as a powerless human, he is divine.
God is among you. God is among us. Now what does this mean? As we approach the remembering of the birth of Jesus, God is among us.
God is in my wife, as she struggles to balance the demands of being the mother of an Asperger’s child with the very rigorous standards she has for herself as a composition professor. Maria will not turn in a second best effort. She always gives her all. Perhaps too much of her all. She gives her students her all times three, but she does so because she firmly believes that educated people should write well.
God is even in me. Now what does this mean? In my heart, in the most real place I know, there is a gentleness and an attentiveness to what is wonderful in life. When things get really noisy and I am pulled in two directions, trying to satisfy others needs (or is it their wants?), I can slip out of my heart and into the psychic structure of anxiety. But when I let go and return by looking my three year old in the eye, or by listening attentively when my father speaks of the pain in his legs, there is that attentiveness to the human, the tender, and there is wonder in that.
God is in my three year old Emilie as she invents words, dresses herself with her clothes inside out, and lays down her various laws. She takes such delight in a Robek’s Smoothie and in the rides at the Summit Mall. She smiles and I am real.
God is in my nine year old son. He can spell any dinosaur name. He has a very full laugh. At times, he is a bit of a trial. He demands a lot of attention and does not seem to be able to quietly negotiate household diplomacy with Emilie, but when I can walk with him and tell him an amusing story, his noisy distractions fade. Perhaps God’s presence is there most powerfully when I cannot figure John out because at that moment he is so much a mystery. I cannot figure out how to encourage him to sit quietly during his older sister’s performance. I cannot figure out how to encourage him to stop panicking because the three year old imitates him. I just don’t understand why at nine years of age, he has once again jumped back into the world of Thomas the Tank Engine. John is beautiful. There is no doubt about that, but, and it is not easy for me to write this, I mean no harm by it, John is very different, so different from so many other kids and so different from the way I was as a kid. It is hard for me to admit, but in many ways, I just don’t get him. I used to feel guilty about that. I don’t any more. He is different. He has Asperger’s Syndrome. He is simultaneously brilliant and weird. I love him, but he is a mystery to me and so, as mystery, in him stands the Holy One of Israel.
God dwells in Luisa. She is just a very stable, very great kid. Few surprises. A wonderful dancer and a good student. A nice kid. Very helpful with the other two. Very accepting of her brother with whom she shares a room. He will give her a dissertation about trains or dinosaurs on any given night and she will just listen until she falls asleep. Yes, at times, she reaches her limit. I’m just surprised that it doesn’t happen more often. She is a gift.
All my kids are gifts. At times, when Emilie bites the dog, followed by John’s yelling at Emilie, followed by my correcting both of them, followed by John’s pained grimace screaming that Emilie has broken a rule, followed by the dog peeing on the floor, followed by my wife whining that I am not acting quickly enough to get the dog outside, I will think for just a moment “What the heck have I gotten myself into?”. And then my humor returns—another moment over which I have had very little control, another moment like 99.999999999999% of human existence. We don’t have control over much. The great and Holy One of Israel has control and look at what he did—he let go of all of it. He became a completely vulnerable child. He trusted himself with us in the most delicate, powerless and gentle of ways: he became a child. And so my task is to create as he creates—from my vulnerability, from my humanity.
God is among us in our humanity. I know most certainly that the divinity of Jesus is revealed in his humanity, that he is divine because he is the most authentic human who has ever lived. This is perhaps Christianity’s most difficult secret. We like what Roland Flint called “all the stunting with Lazarus and the lepers,” and no doubt it must have been amazing to witness those signs of God’s presence, those works of power. Nevertheless, I have witnessed God’s presence in the powerless--in the homeless who do not smell powerful and proper, in the death of a fourteen year old boy when I was a volunteer in South Africa, in the tears of the twelve year old child of a drug addict, in the suffering of my wife as Luisa’s head got stuck and she had to undergo a C-Section. Never have I sensed God’s presence more than when I have been with people who had no power at all and, who in their helpless condition, looked to me to just listen, to hold a hand, to just say “I’m here.”
I am here, I exist now, I am here with the crucified and risen Christ, in the miracle of his world, in the power of faith, as a sign of God’s love myself. I am here and I know this gentle Jesus, revealed as most human—as a child—powerless and vulnerable. He just is—human—and, as a powerless human, he is divine.
Obama's Just Peace Theory
Professor of Chicago Theological Seminary Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite comments on Obama's speech, a groundbreaking oration about the future of peace in our world. In today's Washington Post:
Poor Turned Away From Cancer Screenings
Another reason to enact life saving, money saving health reform! Without health insurance women are being turned away. If you have the insurance to detect the cancer early, you save your life and the cancer treatment is less lenghthy and less expensive for the whole of American society.
See the Cleveland Plain Dealer:
See the Cleveland Plain Dealer:
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Unilever and Coke vow to cut emissions
If these two global giants are willing to cut greenhouse emmissions, then you know that it is not a hoax!! Why would Coca-cola cut into profits for no reason? The right wing has got to get over the anti-Climate Change agenda. Delay holds catastrophe for the US and especially for the global poor!!
See the Financial Times (an excellent periodical):,dwp_uuid=728a07a0-53bc-11db-8a2a-0000779e2340.html?nclick_check=1
See the Financial Times (an excellent periodical):,dwp_uuid=728a07a0-53bc-11db-8a2a-0000779e2340.html?nclick_check=1
Iran's Green Revolution
Please see al-Jazeera, linked at the right:
Progress in Iranian society would make such a difference in the Middle East. Cheers to Iran's civil rights revolution!!
Progress in Iranian society would make such a difference in the Middle East. Cheers to Iran's civil rights revolution!!
Prayers for the University of Akron Men's Soccer Team
As an Akronite, I am very happy to see the Zips advance to the NCAA Final!!! Here is the link:
An NCAA Championship would be so wonderful for the heart of the rust belt!!
An NCAA Championship would be so wonderful for the heart of the rust belt!!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Indian Irrigation Market
Please see link to the right Asian News International. Good story on need for irrigation technologies for India--certainly an area for Ohio agri-business to investigate.
The Lombardi Peace Prize
As I consider the future of relations between the US and China, I notice the enormous amount of trade between our two countries. I also notice our differences regarding how to reduce our enormous carbon footprints and how to deal with global hotspots like Iran. Some, pointing to Chinese mistreatment of Tibet, have wondered if China, the emerging giant, will be an imperialist power challenging America's humanitarian-democratic hegemony. Given our crushing burden of debt, some wonder if the authoritarian China will overwhelm America's econo-humanistic influence, strengthening dictatorships and rogue regimes like North Korea.
Whatever the future may bring, whether we rise to the challenge and innovate ourselves out of the current economic crisis, whether we finally outsmart al Qaeda and draw down in the Middle East, we need to deal with China. Why not deal with them the old fashioned American way? Teach them to play American football. Yes, I know that it has been tried in the past, but this time let's market it a little differently. We all know that NBA star Yao Ming has tremendous marketing appeal in the US and China. What if we enticed the Chinese with the prospect of the NFL version of Yao? What if we threw down the athletic gauntlet with a cathartic invitation to the Chinese to see if they can beat us on the gridiron? Is this just a real life version of fantasy football?
Consider this: in the States, Army plays Navy. Air Force has a team. Football is a very cathartic way to act out a military conflict without having one. There is offense and defense. You try to conquer ground as you approach the enemy endzone. You throw the bomb. You blitz. Football is a healthy way to act out geopolitical strife without firing a shot. Imagine if we played three annual games: the Chinese Army's academy against Army, the Chinese Navy's academy against Navy and the Chinese Air Force against Air Force. This would foster friendly rivalry and cultural exchange between two militaries that really need to foster friendship. After the players got to know each other and fostered friendship, popularity for football would spread throughout China.
We have economically fostered ties with China, but this has not led to China's supporting our foreign policy of fostering democracy and slowing the spread of WMD. Fostering a humanizing relationship between our militaries would be quite a score. Let's snap the ball before we lose more time on the play clock.
Whatever the future may bring, whether we rise to the challenge and innovate ourselves out of the current economic crisis, whether we finally outsmart al Qaeda and draw down in the Middle East, we need to deal with China. Why not deal with them the old fashioned American way? Teach them to play American football. Yes, I know that it has been tried in the past, but this time let's market it a little differently. We all know that NBA star Yao Ming has tremendous marketing appeal in the US and China. What if we enticed the Chinese with the prospect of the NFL version of Yao? What if we threw down the athletic gauntlet with a cathartic invitation to the Chinese to see if they can beat us on the gridiron? Is this just a real life version of fantasy football?
Consider this: in the States, Army plays Navy. Air Force has a team. Football is a very cathartic way to act out a military conflict without having one. There is offense and defense. You try to conquer ground as you approach the enemy endzone. You throw the bomb. You blitz. Football is a healthy way to act out geopolitical strife without firing a shot. Imagine if we played three annual games: the Chinese Army's academy against Army, the Chinese Navy's academy against Navy and the Chinese Air Force against Air Force. This would foster friendly rivalry and cultural exchange between two militaries that really need to foster friendship. After the players got to know each other and fostered friendship, popularity for football would spread throughout China.
We have economically fostered ties with China, but this has not led to China's supporting our foreign policy of fostering democracy and slowing the spread of WMD. Fostering a humanizing relationship between our militaries would be quite a score. Let's snap the ball before we lose more time on the play clock.
The Noble Obama
Our President has just accepted the most noble of awards—the Nobel Peace Prize. He most definitely deserves it. The reason he deserves it is that he has single-handedly improved America’s standing in the world with a new multi-lateral approach to diplomacy. As David Ignatius noted, according to the Transatlantic Trends report released earlier in the year by the German Marshall Fund, Obama’s approval rating in Europe is much higher than that of George W. Bush.
Some have questioned this award claiming that Obama has lowered the American presidency by groveling before the Europeans. What they fail to realize is that American national security and, with it, world peace are connected to countering the threats of terrorism and rogue regimes. The war against rogue regimes and terror is a military conflict but also, in the long run, a public relations war. We need the help of other countries to apprehend international terrorists and we need the Muslim public to believe what is most definitely true--that the values of the United States of America are essential to their security, international peace, ecological harmony, and global prosperity. Otherwise, more Muslims will be tricked into following those, who like al Qaeda, have distorted their great tradition.
Why can’t the USA just go it alone? The answers are obvious. First, we have never “gone alone” on any successful foreign policy venture. Even during the unpopular invasion of Iraq we were accompanied by the British and other allies. We won the cold war with many allies and we won it because Eastern Europe longed for American values. Eastern Europe looked up to America. We need Middle Eastern, African and Asian nations to understand that this conflict is no different. We stand for what is good and not just for what profits us or what relieves our own immediate short term fears (as many in the world and at home believe to be the case with the Iraq War).
Second, we do not have the military or the economic prowess we once had. The financial crisis has damaged our ability to project power. We live in the world of an economically and militarily emergent China that has embraced western economics but not western political democracy and pluralism. As China emerges as a world power, we will need our European allies once again, not to fight a war, but to sustain the interdependent network of democracy and human rights that the U.S. put together after World War II.
Third, countering the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction has always required international cooperation and trust. President Bush is a good man. Whether or not he was swayed by a militaristic Vice President, he overreacted to the threat from Iraq and undermined trust among many of our allies. Obama has restored that trust. Because we have the world’s largest nuclear arsenal, we are in a strange position to encourage non-proliferation. We need to convince the world that in the long run, we truly do seek disarmament. Our President has managed do that—quite a diplomatic maneuver.
Finally, next to the threat of WMD, the threat of global warming looms as one of our top hazards. Honestly, in terms of what America itself could lose from inaction—Florida, New York City, California coastal areas, trillions in property insurance losses—we need to let ourselves “feel the possible pain.” The President has managed to convince the international community that America is truly concerned about this threat and that we are considering serious action to counter it. Prior to this presidency, most Americans considered global warming to be a hoax.
We live in interesting times and, judging from his many speeches--especially his recent speech accepting the Nobel Prize, we have an engaging leader who has already fulfilled the world’s longing for an eloquent American statesman. We all need to celebrate this for the world once again looks to America for leadership. In America, we technically do not have nobility. We are a land of freedom. Yet, to paraphrase Thomas Jefferson, we must foster a nobility of virtues and talents. Barack Obama has done that in his own personal and professional life, organizing communities, legislative coalitions and a presidential campaign in the pursuit of justice and peace. Now he seeks to do this for our nation and for our world, putting all of his energy into a truly noble goal which flies in the face of the corrupting cynicism of our times, an effort that has earned him the Nobel Prize.
Some have questioned this award claiming that Obama has lowered the American presidency by groveling before the Europeans. What they fail to realize is that American national security and, with it, world peace are connected to countering the threats of terrorism and rogue regimes. The war against rogue regimes and terror is a military conflict but also, in the long run, a public relations war. We need the help of other countries to apprehend international terrorists and we need the Muslim public to believe what is most definitely true--that the values of the United States of America are essential to their security, international peace, ecological harmony, and global prosperity. Otherwise, more Muslims will be tricked into following those, who like al Qaeda, have distorted their great tradition.
Why can’t the USA just go it alone? The answers are obvious. First, we have never “gone alone” on any successful foreign policy venture. Even during the unpopular invasion of Iraq we were accompanied by the British and other allies. We won the cold war with many allies and we won it because Eastern Europe longed for American values. Eastern Europe looked up to America. We need Middle Eastern, African and Asian nations to understand that this conflict is no different. We stand for what is good and not just for what profits us or what relieves our own immediate short term fears (as many in the world and at home believe to be the case with the Iraq War).
Second, we do not have the military or the economic prowess we once had. The financial crisis has damaged our ability to project power. We live in the world of an economically and militarily emergent China that has embraced western economics but not western political democracy and pluralism. As China emerges as a world power, we will need our European allies once again, not to fight a war, but to sustain the interdependent network of democracy and human rights that the U.S. put together after World War II.
Third, countering the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction has always required international cooperation and trust. President Bush is a good man. Whether or not he was swayed by a militaristic Vice President, he overreacted to the threat from Iraq and undermined trust among many of our allies. Obama has restored that trust. Because we have the world’s largest nuclear arsenal, we are in a strange position to encourage non-proliferation. We need to convince the world that in the long run, we truly do seek disarmament. Our President has managed do that—quite a diplomatic maneuver.
Finally, next to the threat of WMD, the threat of global warming looms as one of our top hazards. Honestly, in terms of what America itself could lose from inaction—Florida, New York City, California coastal areas, trillions in property insurance losses—we need to let ourselves “feel the possible pain.” The President has managed to convince the international community that America is truly concerned about this threat and that we are considering serious action to counter it. Prior to this presidency, most Americans considered global warming to be a hoax.
We live in interesting times and, judging from his many speeches--especially his recent speech accepting the Nobel Prize, we have an engaging leader who has already fulfilled the world’s longing for an eloquent American statesman. We all need to celebrate this for the world once again looks to America for leadership. In America, we technically do not have nobility. We are a land of freedom. Yet, to paraphrase Thomas Jefferson, we must foster a nobility of virtues and talents. Barack Obama has done that in his own personal and professional life, organizing communities, legislative coalitions and a presidential campaign in the pursuit of justice and peace. Now he seeks to do this for our nation and for our world, putting all of his energy into a truly noble goal which flies in the face of the corrupting cynicism of our times, an effort that has earned him the Nobel Prize.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The Future of the Cleveland/Akron Economy
David Brooks recently wrote in the New York Times about the resilience of the American economy and I think that the most resilient place in the US is the rust belt which has been declared economically dead by many an expert. The only problem is to match our true grit with a lucky pot of opportunity or better yet to create some opportunities.
I will write specifically about Cleveland, Akron and surrounding areas. Both have been hit hard by globalization and recession. From Steel to Tires, many manufacturing jobs have gone overseas or have passed on to the business netherworld. What Cleveland and Akron don't have that New York and Chicago do have is a foundation for tourism. Sure, sure people will get off of the Ohio Turnpike and grab a bite to eat in Macedonia, but the problem is that they get back on. They don't travel north that often. Sure, sure some come to see the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, but when they've finished with the Rock Hall, can they stroll along a picturesque Lakefront like they can in Chicago?
Akron is the city of invention, but guess what, I didn't know this until six years ago when I moved here. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but I lived in Washington DC for 19 years and not once did a friend of mine say, "Hey let's go out to Akron and check out the Inventor's Hall!" Many people in DC had only heard of Akron once or twice.
That said, we are resilient (and I do mean "we"). How many people are still Browns' fans? Now that is resilience! And Cleveland/Akron still have political pull. We are the swing state!! Not to mention that former White House wonk George Stephanopolous is a fellow Clevelander!! So let's put this muscle and this grit together with some creative thinking. It is time to think outside of the box!!
It was in this spirit that I (unsuccessfully) submitted the following Op-Ed to the Washington Post this past summer:
A Lake Erie Olympics
Michael Jordan wants the next American Summer Olympic games to be held in his city in 2016. As a native Chicagoan, I feel some desire “to be like Mike,” but the economic and humanitarian reality leads me to conclude that the next American Summer Games should take place in Northeastern Ohio in 2020.
To host the games in Chicago, the city of Chicago will have to construct an Olympic park and an Olympic village that will displace the poor and working classes. In contrast to this, the city of Cleveland is economically depressed and could use the construction to foster a Cleveland Renaissance (similar to Barcelona’s Olympic Renaissance). Chicago already has a beautiful Lakefront that draws tourists. The building of an Olympic park and village on the Lake Erie Lakeshore is needed to return Cleveland to its status as a center of tourism and culture.
Detroit is the poorest city in the country and is becoming poorer. Cleveland is the second poorest city in the country. In contrast, Chicago is wealthy and the fundraising that will support its Olympic bid will take away from its already struggling schools and city housing. A Lake Erie Olympics would be a boon to a struggling economy. We could renovate the Lake Erie Lakeshore and build an Olympic Village that could be turned over to the poor of Cleveland as public housing.
Cleveland is six hours from Chicago, six hours from New York, six hours from Washington, eight hours from Philadelphia, six hours from Baltimore, six hours from Toronto and four hours from Detroit. If we manage to build a beautiful Olympic Park in Cleveland, people from these other cities could visit this park and the other cultural institutions that will surround it. The Cleveland Olympic Park could also host LiveAid and other concerts, drawing concertgoers from these cities.
A Lake Erie Olympics would also benefit the poor of the developing world for we will give them a significant percentage of the profit we earn. The poor of this world make the shoes, the uniforms and the equipment of many of the Olympic sports. They should benefit from the Olympics. Chicago is an expensive city. Cleveland, Akron, Detroit, Toledo, Canton, Youngstown, Pittsburgh and Columbus are inexpensive. The Olympic effort would save money in our cities. The construction would cost less because the land costs less. There will be terrible traffic problems in a Chicago Olympics which will run up costs and inconvenience. There is no traffic problem around Lake Erie. We could house many of the athletes in our first rate universities, which in turn would interest these athletes in attending these schools, fostering immigration to Northeast Ohio, which in turn fosters business contacts with home countries, leading to an economic boon for both Ohio and the developing countries that would send immigrants to the Lake Erie region.
Finally, athletics is already an important economic factor for the Lake Erie region. The Akron-Canton area is the cradle of football! Football would make an excellent Olympic sport and the only place to introduce it as an Olympic sport is in its birthplace. We have a wealth of experience in organizing athletic events and an excellent Olympic ambassador in our MVP LeBron James.
I love Chicago. I am a Cubs fan. I love Lake Michigan. I am a Bears fan and a Bulls fan, but I am concerned about the poor. The Lake Erie region is becoming poorer and poorer. The Big Three are struggling. I hope that someday Chicago can host an Olympics, but right now, I firmly believe that the next American Olympics has to be hosted by the good, hard working people of the Lake Erie region and that the proceeds from this Olympics should benefit the global poor.
I will write specifically about Cleveland, Akron and surrounding areas. Both have been hit hard by globalization and recession. From Steel to Tires, many manufacturing jobs have gone overseas or have passed on to the business netherworld. What Cleveland and Akron don't have that New York and Chicago do have is a foundation for tourism. Sure, sure people will get off of the Ohio Turnpike and grab a bite to eat in Macedonia, but the problem is that they get back on. They don't travel north that often. Sure, sure some come to see the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, but when they've finished with the Rock Hall, can they stroll along a picturesque Lakefront like they can in Chicago?
Akron is the city of invention, but guess what, I didn't know this until six years ago when I moved here. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but I lived in Washington DC for 19 years and not once did a friend of mine say, "Hey let's go out to Akron and check out the Inventor's Hall!" Many people in DC had only heard of Akron once or twice.
That said, we are resilient (and I do mean "we"). How many people are still Browns' fans? Now that is resilience! And Cleveland/Akron still have political pull. We are the swing state!! Not to mention that former White House wonk George Stephanopolous is a fellow Clevelander!! So let's put this muscle and this grit together with some creative thinking. It is time to think outside of the box!!
It was in this spirit that I (unsuccessfully) submitted the following Op-Ed to the Washington Post this past summer:
A Lake Erie Olympics
Michael Jordan wants the next American Summer Olympic games to be held in his city in 2016. As a native Chicagoan, I feel some desire “to be like Mike,” but the economic and humanitarian reality leads me to conclude that the next American Summer Games should take place in Northeastern Ohio in 2020.
To host the games in Chicago, the city of Chicago will have to construct an Olympic park and an Olympic village that will displace the poor and working classes. In contrast to this, the city of Cleveland is economically depressed and could use the construction to foster a Cleveland Renaissance (similar to Barcelona’s Olympic Renaissance). Chicago already has a beautiful Lakefront that draws tourists. The building of an Olympic park and village on the Lake Erie Lakeshore is needed to return Cleveland to its status as a center of tourism and culture.
Detroit is the poorest city in the country and is becoming poorer. Cleveland is the second poorest city in the country. In contrast, Chicago is wealthy and the fundraising that will support its Olympic bid will take away from its already struggling schools and city housing. A Lake Erie Olympics would be a boon to a struggling economy. We could renovate the Lake Erie Lakeshore and build an Olympic Village that could be turned over to the poor of Cleveland as public housing.
Cleveland is six hours from Chicago, six hours from New York, six hours from Washington, eight hours from Philadelphia, six hours from Baltimore, six hours from Toronto and four hours from Detroit. If we manage to build a beautiful Olympic Park in Cleveland, people from these other cities could visit this park and the other cultural institutions that will surround it. The Cleveland Olympic Park could also host LiveAid and other concerts, drawing concertgoers from these cities.
A Lake Erie Olympics would also benefit the poor of the developing world for we will give them a significant percentage of the profit we earn. The poor of this world make the shoes, the uniforms and the equipment of many of the Olympic sports. They should benefit from the Olympics. Chicago is an expensive city. Cleveland, Akron, Detroit, Toledo, Canton, Youngstown, Pittsburgh and Columbus are inexpensive. The Olympic effort would save money in our cities. The construction would cost less because the land costs less. There will be terrible traffic problems in a Chicago Olympics which will run up costs and inconvenience. There is no traffic problem around Lake Erie. We could house many of the athletes in our first rate universities, which in turn would interest these athletes in attending these schools, fostering immigration to Northeast Ohio, which in turn fosters business contacts with home countries, leading to an economic boon for both Ohio and the developing countries that would send immigrants to the Lake Erie region.
Finally, athletics is already an important economic factor for the Lake Erie region. The Akron-Canton area is the cradle of football! Football would make an excellent Olympic sport and the only place to introduce it as an Olympic sport is in its birthplace. We have a wealth of experience in organizing athletic events and an excellent Olympic ambassador in our MVP LeBron James.
I love Chicago. I am a Cubs fan. I love Lake Michigan. I am a Bears fan and a Bulls fan, but I am concerned about the poor. The Lake Erie region is becoming poorer and poorer. The Big Three are struggling. I hope that someday Chicago can host an Olympics, but right now, I firmly believe that the next American Olympics has to be hosted by the good, hard working people of the Lake Erie region and that the proceeds from this Olympics should benefit the global poor.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Not So Social Conservatism
Considering the near anarchy that the Students for A Democratic Society, the Black Panthers, The Weathermen, and Timothy Leary were belching into American society in the 1960s, it is understandable that several significant socially conservative movements began to seek political expression, a tsunami that took over many American power centers through the Moral Majority and the Reagan revolution in the 1970s and 1980s. I imagine that many social conservative were trying to conserve America and the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. There were and still are several Marxists in American Higher Academe, theoreticians who have theorized about the supposed innate depravity of a country that has spread freedom and prosperity to billions of human beings, but for Marxists since truths are always non-truths, constructed by power structures, freedom and prosperity were mere bourgeois mirages.
The problem is that liberals learned from the 1960s and conservatives are still running against the liberalism of the 1960s. Speaker Pelosi, as liberal as they come, does not seek to send Christians to concentration camps; truth be told she is quite the believer herself. Moreover, our good (and potentially great) president is no advocate of socialism, the one word epithet that the Rush Limbaughs of the world impulsively belch back. In the 1990s, Bill Clinton informed us that the era of big government is over, and indeed it is. The Democratic party does not seek to turn the US government into a nanny state. It merely seeks to prevent another financial collapse so that Wall Street gives up its need to be nannied by Uncle Sam.
Now, I have tremendous respect for people of all political stripes. I like ideas and it doesn’t matter who is formulating them and I admire institutions that serve human beings well (I have a few ideas about them myself). A good friend of mine once quipped that conservatives have a “good sociological nose.” They tend to notice things that liberals miss and are willing to speak up about them. A good example of this is the attention conservatives drew to the need for fathers to be involved in their childrens’ lives. There were liberals who poo-pooed the notion in the 60s, 70s, 80s and then in the 90s quietly acquiesced. The same is true regarding the dangers of drug use. Conservatives were willing to mount “the just say no campaign,” which many liberals mocked (some while inhaling). That said, let’s be real: the greatest principle to value, to conserve, to incarnate in a tradition is charity (last time I checked the Bible I tote around that Christ guy we Christians worship said lots of stuff about that) and charity is something that is lacking in a lot of our public discourse. Many Republicans do not take on Rush Limbaugh because they are afraid of him so they empower Rush and his shoutmeister ditto-heads to take over more and more of the Republican national strategy.
This is not a positive development. Limbaugh is not George Will, Charles Krauthammer, Andrew Sullivan or William Safire. Rush really doesn’t think. The man just reacts and bellows about his Institute of Advanced Conservative Studies. He holds no advanced degree. He just creates sound bites that resonate with the anxieties of many.
I respect conservatives. I look up to many of them hoping for an intelligent challenge to the policies that I advocate because reasoned discourse and debate strengthen American policies and strengthen my mind. It comes down to this: what essentially is conservatism? What is it trying to conserve and how is it trying to conserve what it should conserve? I will be the first to admit that there are fascists on the left and right and conservatives have the nose to sniff out liberal fascism, but if conservatives are then going to use fascist methods of shouting and intimidating people to try to move people away from certain forms of liberal fascism, what has America gained? “Here comes the new boss, same as the old boss” to quote a creaky, old 60s band. We gain nothing in this country from abandoning policy proposals because of fear of shoutmeisters and we gain nothing in this country from maintaining policies, like a health system that abandons 40 million working people, because we fear being shouted down. The most important principles that conservatives worked hard to conserve in the 60s and 70s—the values of reason and charity—they are about to abandon. What kind of conservatism is that?
The problem is that liberals learned from the 1960s and conservatives are still running against the liberalism of the 1960s. Speaker Pelosi, as liberal as they come, does not seek to send Christians to concentration camps; truth be told she is quite the believer herself. Moreover, our good (and potentially great) president is no advocate of socialism, the one word epithet that the Rush Limbaughs of the world impulsively belch back. In the 1990s, Bill Clinton informed us that the era of big government is over, and indeed it is. The Democratic party does not seek to turn the US government into a nanny state. It merely seeks to prevent another financial collapse so that Wall Street gives up its need to be nannied by Uncle Sam.
Now, I have tremendous respect for people of all political stripes. I like ideas and it doesn’t matter who is formulating them and I admire institutions that serve human beings well (I have a few ideas about them myself). A good friend of mine once quipped that conservatives have a “good sociological nose.” They tend to notice things that liberals miss and are willing to speak up about them. A good example of this is the attention conservatives drew to the need for fathers to be involved in their childrens’ lives. There were liberals who poo-pooed the notion in the 60s, 70s, 80s and then in the 90s quietly acquiesced. The same is true regarding the dangers of drug use. Conservatives were willing to mount “the just say no campaign,” which many liberals mocked (some while inhaling). That said, let’s be real: the greatest principle to value, to conserve, to incarnate in a tradition is charity (last time I checked the Bible I tote around that Christ guy we Christians worship said lots of stuff about that) and charity is something that is lacking in a lot of our public discourse. Many Republicans do not take on Rush Limbaugh because they are afraid of him so they empower Rush and his shoutmeister ditto-heads to take over more and more of the Republican national strategy.
This is not a positive development. Limbaugh is not George Will, Charles Krauthammer, Andrew Sullivan or William Safire. Rush really doesn’t think. The man just reacts and bellows about his Institute of Advanced Conservative Studies. He holds no advanced degree. He just creates sound bites that resonate with the anxieties of many.
I respect conservatives. I look up to many of them hoping for an intelligent challenge to the policies that I advocate because reasoned discourse and debate strengthen American policies and strengthen my mind. It comes down to this: what essentially is conservatism? What is it trying to conserve and how is it trying to conserve what it should conserve? I will be the first to admit that there are fascists on the left and right and conservatives have the nose to sniff out liberal fascism, but if conservatives are then going to use fascist methods of shouting and intimidating people to try to move people away from certain forms of liberal fascism, what has America gained? “Here comes the new boss, same as the old boss” to quote a creaky, old 60s band. We gain nothing in this country from abandoning policy proposals because of fear of shoutmeisters and we gain nothing in this country from maintaining policies, like a health system that abandons 40 million working people, because we fear being shouted down. The most important principles that conservatives worked hard to conserve in the 60s and 70s—the values of reason and charity—they are about to abandon. What kind of conservatism is that?
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thanksgiving For Our Earth
On this Thanksgiving weekend, I am grateful for my family and friends. I am also grateful for our beautiful world ("charged with the grandeur of God" says Hopkins). I am especially grateful for the Outer Banks of North Carolina where we vacation in the summer. Meditating on the beauty of the Outer Banks makes me grateful for the Climate Summit in Copenhagen because if we do not reduce carbon emissions, that wonderful sandbar of recreation will be swallowed by the sea. I am sure so many other people can recall other wonderful beach places that will disappear if we do not reduce the trend.
Thinking of this issue is especially important if you consider that the recent email leaks from Climate scientists are being used to confuse people regarding the consensus on warming. Carbon emissions are warming the atmosphere according to the vast majority of climate scientists. The ice caps are melting. There is concrete evidence.
Whether by cap and trade or through a carbon tax, we need to meet the challenge. I am grateful for our brave president for travelling to Copenhagen and for our democracy for taking the issue seriously. Prayers for the President at Copenhagen.
Thinking of this issue is especially important if you consider that the recent email leaks from Climate scientists are being used to confuse people regarding the consensus on warming. Carbon emissions are warming the atmosphere according to the vast majority of climate scientists. The ice caps are melting. There is concrete evidence.
Whether by cap and trade or through a carbon tax, we need to meet the challenge. I am grateful for our brave president for travelling to Copenhagen and for our democracy for taking the issue seriously. Prayers for the President at Copenhagen.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Pass the Senate Bill with the Public Option
I have gone back and forth on this. A reform bill without a public option is better than no reform at all; however, we need to think about the 10% of the American public that is currently unemployed. What is going to happen to them when their COBRA runs out? Moreover, listening to the most honest financial analysts will tell you that our financial system could undergo another shock and make unemployment worse. The public option is just that--an option. It is not socialism. It is a safety net for all of the good hardworking people who have lost their jobs. It also prevents people from being kicked out of our health care system because of excessively high premiums.
I respect my Republican brothers and sisters but on this one they are too beholden to moneyed interests. In the same way that Democrats can get a little too stuck on the support of certain constituencies, Republicans are too stuck on the support of those opposing health reform. Please keep in mind that the Republican reform would leave 95% of the uninsured in their current state.
I respect my Republican brothers and sisters but on this one they are too beholden to moneyed interests. In the same way that Democrats can get a little too stuck on the support of certain constituencies, Republicans are too stuck on the support of those opposing health reform. Please keep in mind that the Republican reform would leave 95% of the uninsured in their current state.
Monday, November 16, 2009
More Reflection On Health Care
From Mordecai Shani's Article in the August 19, 2004
"Universal access to Israel's national health care basket means that there is no underinsurance in Israel, which happens when there are gaps in coverage. In the United States, more than 100 million citizens are underinsured -- including 40 million with Medicare, 50 million with Medicaid and at least 10 million who are employed in large companies that have self-insurance."
When people make the argument that our national security commitments demand that we not spend a lot of money on social welfare policies, consider Israel. Which nation on the planet has a more urgent need to spend for national defense and yet Israel has 100% coverage through national health insurance. Consequently, Israel has a much lower infant mortality rate than the US. Our infant mortality rate is much higher than Cuba's. Take a look at the CIA Factbook.
"Universal access to Israel's national health care basket means that there is no underinsurance in Israel, which happens when there are gaps in coverage. In the United States, more than 100 million citizens are underinsured -- including 40 million with Medicare, 50 million with Medicaid and at least 10 million who are employed in large companies that have self-insurance."
When people make the argument that our national security commitments demand that we not spend a lot of money on social welfare policies, consider Israel. Which nation on the planet has a more urgent need to spend for national defense and yet Israel has 100% coverage through national health insurance. Consequently, Israel has a much lower infant mortality rate than the US. Our infant mortality rate is much higher than Cuba's. Take a look at the CIA Factbook.
Increase In American Hunger
From Amy Goldstein's article in today's Washington Post:
"The nation's economic crisis has catapulted the number of Americans who lack enough food to the highest level since the government has been keeping track, according to a new federal report, which shows that nearly 50 million people -- including almost one child in four -- struggled last year to get enough to eat."
If this does not turn around, we will need to change the current Food Stamp and Welfare policy. That is, we will need to re-reform welfare so that children can eat. We definitely need to do something.
"The nation's economic crisis has catapulted the number of Americans who lack enough food to the highest level since the government has been keeping track, according to a new federal report, which shows that nearly 50 million people -- including almost one child in four -- struggled last year to get enough to eat."
If this does not turn around, we will need to change the current Food Stamp and Welfare policy. That is, we will need to re-reform welfare so that children can eat. We definitely need to do something.
Obama's Bow
I have only one question before I weigh in on this one: Consider the day when William Bennet was a candidate for president. If he had met the Pope, would he have kissed the Pope’s ring? As a Catholic, I would.
The Legacy of Abraham Joshua Heschel
Abraham Joshua Heschel, teacher and prophet of social justice, wrote that God wants the world to be redeemed and that the world is redeemed through justice. For a Christian it reminds me that God wants to draw us into the life of the Trinity—the just society. In the mystery of the Trinity, the Father accepts and nurtures the Son, the Son accepts and nurtures the Father, and the Holy Spirit is this acceptance moving human beings in the world to live righteously and joyfully. This joy is not the “Oh yeah” of triumphing over another person in a spirit of competition. This joy is working with the other person in a spirit of solidarity, which includes laughing at foibles, shrugging off sin, hoping for peace, and seeking to turn each labor into something that is life-giving for the entire community. Most Jewish people that I have known have been so very open to me and have challenged me at times to consider all of my motivations—whether or not I truly opt for the common good of the world.
At times, we all live from a sense of being wounded and that leads to more conflict. The Dalai Lama writes that at those times, one must meditate. For me it also helps to pray with the Spirit of the Risen Christ. And to listen very carefully. We live in a world with a lot of noise, but God’s word is spoken very gently—as Elijah realized at Mount Carmel. Last night I attended a series of talks about the Theology and Social Justice teaching of Rabbi Heschel. Prior to last night I knew only one story about Heschel and I recall it very vaguely. I cannot even remember exactly in which book I read about it, but it goes something like this: a friend of Heschel’s was complaining about himself wondering why he couldn’t be more like Moses. Heschel responded: “God does not ask of me why are you not Moses? Rather, God asks me why are you not Heschel?” Apparently, Heschel was Heschel most of the time for he taught with such insight he moved Senator Sherrod Brown, Congressman Louis Stokes, Reverend Marvin McMickle, Ambassador Andrew Young, and Stephen Hoffman, a friend of President Bush and interim president of the Jewish People Policy Planning Institute.
The story I knew about Heschel has stayed with me for about 20 years. I repeat it to myself at times, even if I have some of the details wrong. God wants me to be me, not anyone else, but I am me only in authentic relationship with others. As Jesuit Conference 32 notes, oppression oppresses the oppressed but also the oppressor. Our hearts are not at peace while we try to torment or control another. We know this because when we are acting in such a way, we whine about everything and we resist any kind of positive change. Oppression--anti-charity, anti-reconciliation—is poison. Healing means letting go of the desire to control others—whatever position of power or powerlessness one finds oneself in. Nevertheless, the efforts of the poor to cry out for justice are not an attempt at control. The LORD hears their cries because God is charity, perfect Trinity, perfect society, and God tries to freely draw the human community forward into the goal of human history—justice.
Marxism was an attempt to control and thus created havoc. We have the imagination to envision creative strategies to work with the LORD toward this goal, but it requires patience and acceptance. I pray that I might have such patience and that I can be accepting and forgiving as Heschel was for Heschel wrote that God does not demand judgment. Rather, God wants repentance and redemption. God wants justice.
So much from the evening stayed with me, but since I am currently watching my three year old, I will comment on a few nuggets of wisdom: In Dr. Susanna Heschel’s keynote about her father, she remarked that a Jew was a person in whom Abraham was alive. She also noted that since Abraham challenged God we are free to challenge all of our leaders when they stray from justice. She told the story about how when Rabbi Heschel showed up at a Viet Nam War Protest, someone asked him why he had come. Heschel replied that he came to the protest because he could not pray. When asked why he could not pray, Heschel replied that when he opened his prayer book, he saw Vietnamese children burning. She concluded by remarking that her father constantly asked “How can we make this a better world? “ Heschel was a prophet of progress.
Senator Brown appropriately connected health care reform to the vision of Heschel. We do need this reform, including the public option, for in the words of Senator Brown and Rabbi Heschel “Mankind must live by justice and compassion.”
Representative Louis Stokes spoke of how Blacks and Jews worked together in the 50s and 60s and need to work together again to continue to spread civil rights to all. He spoke of the need to continue to change our great country and I agree with him because our country is great because it has been a beacon of positive change for over two centuries.
Reverend McMickle really moved me. His knowledge of scripture is inspiring. He spoke of Heschel’s understanding that God gets angry at human cruelty and injustice, but that God wants his anger to be annulled by people’s repentance. That way the need for judgment would be set aside. Rev. McMickle also gave an insightful interpretation of the transfiguration: Jesus tells Peter not to tell anyone about this great event and then continues on with his ministry. As Rev. McMickle interprets the text, it means that we should not cling to past milestones and accomplishments in justice work but need to keep building. He noted that MLK and Heschel would not let us rest. I pray that that spirit might guide me and others.
Ambassador Young, who helped bring the Olympics to Atlanta, emphasized the need to help people who have become sick because of their injustice, not to become angry with them, which is something the ambassador did in living through the violent reactions to his civil rights work with MLK.
Unfortunately, I needed to leave in the middle of Mr.Hoffman’s speech. I had to get home to allow my wife time to grade her papers and prep her classes. It would have been unjust to her if I had stayed.
I am so deeply grateful to have attended this evening. The cultural life of Northeast Ohio is so very rich. I hope that I can contribute to this rich cultural life with the Innovation conferences and the Lake Erie Olympics I have dreamed about, but I will need a lot of help to make the dreams a reality. I am not a great detail or calendar person.
Finally, as we read about the struggle in Brazil to end violence and keep their homes powered, we need to enter into a relationship of solidarity with that wonderful country. Let’s not Brazil lose their Olympics. Let’s rally to Brazil’s side and help them develop solutions to these problems, as people rallied to our side after 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina.
At times, we all live from a sense of being wounded and that leads to more conflict. The Dalai Lama writes that at those times, one must meditate. For me it also helps to pray with the Spirit of the Risen Christ. And to listen very carefully. We live in a world with a lot of noise, but God’s word is spoken very gently—as Elijah realized at Mount Carmel. Last night I attended a series of talks about the Theology and Social Justice teaching of Rabbi Heschel. Prior to last night I knew only one story about Heschel and I recall it very vaguely. I cannot even remember exactly in which book I read about it, but it goes something like this: a friend of Heschel’s was complaining about himself wondering why he couldn’t be more like Moses. Heschel responded: “God does not ask of me why are you not Moses? Rather, God asks me why are you not Heschel?” Apparently, Heschel was Heschel most of the time for he taught with such insight he moved Senator Sherrod Brown, Congressman Louis Stokes, Reverend Marvin McMickle, Ambassador Andrew Young, and Stephen Hoffman, a friend of President Bush and interim president of the Jewish People Policy Planning Institute.
The story I knew about Heschel has stayed with me for about 20 years. I repeat it to myself at times, even if I have some of the details wrong. God wants me to be me, not anyone else, but I am me only in authentic relationship with others. As Jesuit Conference 32 notes, oppression oppresses the oppressed but also the oppressor. Our hearts are not at peace while we try to torment or control another. We know this because when we are acting in such a way, we whine about everything and we resist any kind of positive change. Oppression--anti-charity, anti-reconciliation—is poison. Healing means letting go of the desire to control others—whatever position of power or powerlessness one finds oneself in. Nevertheless, the efforts of the poor to cry out for justice are not an attempt at control. The LORD hears their cries because God is charity, perfect Trinity, perfect society, and God tries to freely draw the human community forward into the goal of human history—justice.
Marxism was an attempt to control and thus created havoc. We have the imagination to envision creative strategies to work with the LORD toward this goal, but it requires patience and acceptance. I pray that I might have such patience and that I can be accepting and forgiving as Heschel was for Heschel wrote that God does not demand judgment. Rather, God wants repentance and redemption. God wants justice.
So much from the evening stayed with me, but since I am currently watching my three year old, I will comment on a few nuggets of wisdom: In Dr. Susanna Heschel’s keynote about her father, she remarked that a Jew was a person in whom Abraham was alive. She also noted that since Abraham challenged God we are free to challenge all of our leaders when they stray from justice. She told the story about how when Rabbi Heschel showed up at a Viet Nam War Protest, someone asked him why he had come. Heschel replied that he came to the protest because he could not pray. When asked why he could not pray, Heschel replied that when he opened his prayer book, he saw Vietnamese children burning. She concluded by remarking that her father constantly asked “How can we make this a better world? “ Heschel was a prophet of progress.
Senator Brown appropriately connected health care reform to the vision of Heschel. We do need this reform, including the public option, for in the words of Senator Brown and Rabbi Heschel “Mankind must live by justice and compassion.”
Representative Louis Stokes spoke of how Blacks and Jews worked together in the 50s and 60s and need to work together again to continue to spread civil rights to all. He spoke of the need to continue to change our great country and I agree with him because our country is great because it has been a beacon of positive change for over two centuries.
Reverend McMickle really moved me. His knowledge of scripture is inspiring. He spoke of Heschel’s understanding that God gets angry at human cruelty and injustice, but that God wants his anger to be annulled by people’s repentance. That way the need for judgment would be set aside. Rev. McMickle also gave an insightful interpretation of the transfiguration: Jesus tells Peter not to tell anyone about this great event and then continues on with his ministry. As Rev. McMickle interprets the text, it means that we should not cling to past milestones and accomplishments in justice work but need to keep building. He noted that MLK and Heschel would not let us rest. I pray that that spirit might guide me and others.
Ambassador Young, who helped bring the Olympics to Atlanta, emphasized the need to help people who have become sick because of their injustice, not to become angry with them, which is something the ambassador did in living through the violent reactions to his civil rights work with MLK.
Unfortunately, I needed to leave in the middle of Mr.Hoffman’s speech. I had to get home to allow my wife time to grade her papers and prep her classes. It would have been unjust to her if I had stayed.
I am so deeply grateful to have attended this evening. The cultural life of Northeast Ohio is so very rich. I hope that I can contribute to this rich cultural life with the Innovation conferences and the Lake Erie Olympics I have dreamed about, but I will need a lot of help to make the dreams a reality. I am not a great detail or calendar person.
Finally, as we read about the struggle in Brazil to end violence and keep their homes powered, we need to enter into a relationship of solidarity with that wonderful country. Let’s not Brazil lose their Olympics. Let’s rally to Brazil’s side and help them develop solutions to these problems, as people rallied to our side after 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Reflection on the Twentieth Anniversary of the Murders of the Eight Martyrs of El Salvador
Twenty years ago, a right wing death squad with links to the government of El Salvador murdered two Salvadoran women and six Jesuit priests. There is evidence that the individuals involved had received training at the School of the Americas. Whether or not they had connections to the SOA, these men brutally killed eight people because these people were critical of the right wing dictatorship that was governing that country. Ignacio Ellacuria and his friends were proponents of The Theology of Liberation and had every right to advocate their vision of the transformation of Salvadoran society. (I also advocate a theology of liberation, but I think that we need to re-envision it given the obvious failings and brutality of the Marxist ideology that informs certain strands of this theology.) The murderers, connected to a government supported by the US government, acted as many acted during the bloodiest century in history—they valued ideology more than human rights, power more than human dignity, and violence more than imagination.
Some think that the murder of the eight martyrs justify the closing of the School of the Americas rather than its reform. In this blog, I will not weigh in on that matter. I do not want to detract from the necessary prayer for peace that this occasion summons. No American who stands within our living American tradition can justify the murder of eight people and all Christians, all people of faith, all people of good will remember the passing of these eight prophets as testimony to the need to continue our task of building the Kingdom of God.
Some think that the murder of the eight martyrs justify the closing of the School of the Americas rather than its reform. In this blog, I will not weigh in on that matter. I do not want to detract from the necessary prayer for peace that this occasion summons. No American who stands within our living American tradition can justify the murder of eight people and all Christians, all people of faith, all people of good will remember the passing of these eight prophets as testimony to the need to continue our task of building the Kingdom of God.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
To All American Veterans And Their Families
A very sincere "Thank you" for all of your sacrifices for my family. You keep us safe in more ways than I can count. Thank you for all that you have done for the United States of America.
Delivering the Fourth Gospel from Anti-Judaism
An essay I submitted to a magazine. Have not heard back from them, but I think that the issue is so important that we need to start discussing it now.
As I pray with the resurrection accounts in Chapter 20 of the Gospel of John, in my imagination, I can see a silhouette of the risen Lord, in my backyard, inviting me to be with him. There is no artifice in him. He plays no games. He just is and his presence fills my heart with hope. For a very significant moment, I am not concerned about the affairs of the secular world. For a moment, I feel my purpose renewed. Glances and shimmering fragments of grace enlighten my mind, but then there is a jarring moment. I come upon the sentence “On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews. . . .” “The Jews”--the phrase bounces around in my mind. The disciples are afraid of the Jews. But the disciples were Jews. I return to the risen Lord. He’s still there, but now I am watching him with this awareness, that somewhere in the scene, the disciples are afraid of “the Jews.” These disciples—Peter, whom we as Catholics consider the first bishop of Rome, James, John, and other heroes of the early Church, they are afraid of the Jews. Why are they afraid of “the Jews”? We get our answer in John 19:6-7 in which Pilate protests that Jesus is innocent and “The Jews answered, ‘We have a law, and according to that law he ought to die. . .’” Later in John 19: 15 “The Jews cried out ‘Take him away! Crucify him.” As John portrays it, even though Jesus was crucified by the Romans, it is “the Jews” who have demanded his execution. Not “the Jewish Sanhedrin of Jesus’ day.” Not “the Jewish authorities,” but “The Jews.” Now why would a group of Jewish disciples be afraid of “the Jews”? Jesus himself was a Jew. It sounds a lot like saying that, after the assassination of Martin Luther King, the followers of Dr. King stayed in a locked room “for fear of the Americans.”
Sensing the absurdity present in the current text, we need to use our minds. The phrase “the Jews” is a translation of the Greek “hoi Ioudaioi.” Every major Protestant and Catholic Biblical scholar has explained that “hoi Ioudaioi” was not spoken by Jesus. In The Community of the Beloved Disciple, Fr. Raymond Brown, one of the best Biblical critics, Catholic or Protestant, of the past 50 years, argues that the word was inserted into the Fourth Gospel by the community that produced the Fourth Gospel because they had most probably been thrown out of Jewish synagogues after the council of Jamnia. It reflects a late first century polemic.
In the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, the Church has been very clear about the danger of misinterpreting these texts (that is, claiming that “the Jews”—that is, every Jew of Jesus’ day-- conspired to kill Jesus. At Vatican II, the Church taught in Nostra Aetate that all of the Jews of Jesus’ day and the Jews of later generations are not to be blamed for the death of Christ. In his Speech to Symposium on the roots of anti-Judaism, Pope John Paul II has written “In the Christian world—I do not say on the part of the Church as such—erroneous and unjust interpretations of the New Testament regarding the Jewish people and their alleged culpability have circulated for too long, engendering feelings of hostility towards this people." He mentions in his Reflection on the Shoah that “Such interpretations of the New Testament have been totally and definitively rejected by the Second Vatican Council.”[1]
Yet, as I contemplate the scene and when I hear it read from the pulpit, I find the phrase “the Jews” jarring. Moreover, even though the Church has made it clear that these passages have to be placed in their historical context, as they are read, they have a particular effect. I contend that the very translation of the phrase “Hoi Ioudaioi” as “the Jews” fosters anti-Judaism and anti-Semitism. First we need to clarify those terms. Anti-Judaism is a religious hatred and as such contains no racial hatred. Anti-Semitism, intimately connected to anti-Judaism, is a racial hatred. For the purpose of this paper, the two are so inter-related that I will use the terms interchangeably. It seems to me that centuries of anti-Judaism led to the anti-Semitism of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Today, as in the past, we need to examine why anti-Semitism and its closely related phenomenon anti-Judaism continue to exist.
At face and when analyzed, anti-Semitism is thoroughly irrational. In the first half of the twentieth century, when anti-Semitism reached its horrific zenith, the Jewish community was accused of controlling the world financial system and at the same time causing the Bolshevism that sought to undermine it—a strange and existentially vicious contradiction. Yet it was revealing—Nazis and Christians were obsessed with the Jew as a conspirator, always nefarious. Why would such an image develop? While I was attending a Bearing Witness Program in Washington, DC, one Catholic commentator remarked that anti-Judaism has been part of the Christian collective unconscious. Inasmuch as images of the Blessed Mother and the risen Christ give us peace, the unconscious image (archetype?) of Jews as conspiring to harm Christ and by extension--Christians has led us to horrific acts and outlandish accusations. It also seems that, sometime during modernity, anti-Judaism crept into the collective unconscious of Muslims. I personally think that there are many factors that contribute to anti-Semitism with the anti-Judaism of Christian sources being one of the most important factors. The views that led to the Nazi Holocaust were also fed by a bizarre racial Darwinism, rising nationalism in Europe, and a rejection of spirituality and ethics as the cultural grounding of Europe. Nonetheless, for decades we have been grappling with the question why so many Christians, Protestant and Catholic, actively cooperated with Nazism or were unwilling to risk their own lives to save the lives of their Jewish neighbors. Examining the anti-Semitic statements made by influential Christians over the last four decades such as Richard Nixon’s paranoiac “The Jews are all over the government. . . Most Jews are disloyal” and Mel Gibson’s, "The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world,"[2] we have to admit that to Christians, in many ways, Jews remain an other whom we frequently feel discomfort with, and even suspicion towards. Consider the Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s claim that President Obama will not talk with him not because the President considers it prudent to part ways with a man who has made overtly racist comments, but because “them Jews aren't going to let him talk to me."[3] The Vatican’s welcoming back of Lefebvrist Bishop Williamson who (prior to discipline from Rome) had denied the Holocaust and accused the Jewish people of plotting world domination has once again brought the issue into the light. Because of this, I think it is time to take some significant action to undo the errors in the Gospel narrative that have leached their way into our Christian Collective Unconscious. It is time for a hermeneutical and translative metanoia .
Why consider a change in translation? First, if we simply reflect on our lived experience, we will have to admit that from time to time, we hear the word “Jew” used in a contemptuous way, and if not contemptuously, then irreverently or mockingly. What is the historical source of the association of the phrase “the Jews” with someone or something demonic? The clear answer is the historical roots of the expression in the Gospel of John. If we consider a different ethnic phrase such as “the English” or “the Americans,” we will have to admit that it does not carry the same linguistic valence. In and of itself, if a Jewish person were to say, “I am a Jew” there is no negativity to that. If someone were to say, “Jews are literate people” he would simply be stating a fact, but if a non-Jew says, “Here comes a Jew” or “Oh, the Jews” there is a bite, a sting to it. If you doubt this, consider the difference between saying “The members of the Jewish community are discussing this issue” and “The Jews are discussing this issue.” “The Jews,” when uttered by non-Jews with a particular tone, brings to mind the 2000 year old Christian habit of proclaiming on certain liturgical days that the Jews are conspiring to kill the savior. Quite simply, one must wonder how the cultural usage of the phrase “the Jews” would change if we changed the translation from “the Jews” to “the authorities.” I consider this particularly relevant because at The Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament in Washington DC, sometime in 1994, I heard a young Catholic priest preaching about the Gospel of John say, “And who is it that gives Jesus trouble? Why, of course, the Jews.” Thankfully, that was the only time I have ever heard a priest say such a thing.
As I comment upon this issue, I do so as one who has undergone his own metanoia. As a child, I knew only one Jewish boy. He was ridiculed by many of my Christian friends. One friend in particular would shout “Jew” or “Hebe” whenever we saw David. I didn’t always like it when he did it. In all honesty, I didn’t shout at the Jewish boy, but I didn’t tell my friend to be quiet. I didn’t find it funny, but I didn’t see why I should stand up to my friend and ask him to stop. On another occasion, when I was fourteen, thinking it funny to be obnoxious around my Catholic friends, I did shout something offensive to a group of Jewish students at a rival high school. They laughed—more at the shock value than anything else. On another occasion, when I was in college, a relative of mine (who tends to say ethnic things about everyone, himself included) continuously referred to one man as “Herbie the Jew.”
Now that we have established the fact that the current translation of the Gospel of John has fomented hatred and intolerance in our world, we next need to consider why the effect that a translation has upon a society determines the validity of a translation. Every translation is an interpretation. For example, St. Jerome, influenced by his own theological horizons, translated the opening verse of Psalm 23 as “The Lord rules me.” This translation, the Vulgate, stood as the official Catholic interpretation that was read at the Mass, prayed with, and studied in seminaries for a Millenium. Throughout the centuries, the Jewish community had always understood that translation to be less accurate than the translation we use now: “The Lord is my shepherd.” In Protestant circles, “The Lord is my shepherd” became the translation thanks to the reformers. How does this particular verse demonstrate that every translation is an interpretation? During the act of translation, a translator studies many different translations of the Bible. That is, when translating the Hebrew Scriptures, she looks at a variety of early Hebrew or Greek versions, the Aramaic targums, Jerome’s Vulgate, English translations, French translations, and countless other texts and compares how a particular verse is written in those texts. As seen in Psalm 23, one Bible may understand Psalm 23 as “the Lord rules me” and another may understand the Psalm as “the Lord is my shepherd.” These are very different understandings. “The Lord is my shepherd” is much more tender than “the Lord rules me,” and given the Christian and Jewish experience of a loving God, “the Lord is my shepherd” is the more accurate translation. As translators have analyzed the Psalms, they have also analyzed the Greek New Testament. When a translator is considering a particular passage, she once again compares a variety of texts. Basically, a translator, or more accurately, a community of translators looks at the various reasons for a translation, discerns how the Spirit of Truth is at work, and then makes a decision about how the translation should be written. How does the nature of a translation weigh in on the translation of “Hoi Ioudaioi”? We must study the various texts and look at all of the reasons it has been translated as “the Jews.” We must ask as we asked with Psalm 23 whether “the Jews” is the most loving translation of “Hoi Ioudaioi.”
At The Catholic University of America, when I would discuss Biblical translation and interpretation with Professor Stephen Happel, personal theologian to Cardinal McCarrick, he would remind me that a text is the performance of the text and that there is no such thing as a value neutral translation. Dr. Happel would frequently point out that a text is just “marks on a page” until there is a reader who interprets those marks on the page. The Bible has never been able to read itself. It becomes the Word of God for a community as it is read, and in the reading, performed, that is, lived by the community of readers. Moreover, the translation is always informed by the moral, theological and spiritual horizons of the translators. That is, the task of translation is always informed by the level of a translator’s attentiveness to all of the relevant data regarding a text, the intelligence of the translator, the ability of the translator to discern the various reasons for a particular translation and against another translation, and by the commitment of a translator to the responsible use of skills as he seeks to live what he has learned from the study of translation.
What makes a good translation is a good translator and a good translator is aware of the history of translations and the effects those translations have had upon the Christian community as we attempt to live the Gospel in the world of Christians and non-Christians. Another way to understand this is to say that the Christian Truth is a lived truth. It is not an abstraction. We understand this from the beautiful poetry, the inspired word, of the Fourth Gospel itself. As the community of the Fourth Gospel produced the Fourth Gospel, the community reflected on the meaning of the oral tradition about Jesus, and guided by the Holy Spirit, the community tells us that Jesus said that he is the “way, the truth and the life.” Jesus, the word of God (John 1:1), tells us that he is the truth. Jesus is alive. The truth is something that lives. It is not just a concept that we memorize and then talk about. It is the way of love. “Beloved, let us love one another for love is of God and God is love.” (1 John 4:7) What does this mean for translation? It means that a Christian translation is valid if it promotes love and understanding. An interpretation that promotes division and suspicion between Christians and another religion is not a living truth but a distortion and an interpretation that has historically encouraged Christians to slaughter Jews or to stand by in indifference as Jews are slaughtered, terrorized, or neglected (as the translation “the Jews” has done) is completely antithetical to the truth.
Furthermore, as Christians, we know that God’s word is active. As the Lord tells us in Isaiah 55,
9 As high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are my ways above your ways and my thoughts above your thoughts.
For just as from the heavens the rain and snow come down And do not return there till they have watered the earth, making it fertile and fruitful, Giving seed to him who sows and bread to him who eats,
So shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; It shall not return to me void, but shall do my will, achieving the end for which I sent it.
The word of God acts like the rain and snow, actively watering the fields. Moisture accumulates, the clouds gather, the moisture actively condenses in time, and acts in time to water the fields. Then the wheat and corn grow. God’s word is spoken in time, written in time, translated in time, meditated upon in time, discussed in time and lived in time. As the weather changes, as farmers develop new strategies for harnessing the weather to feed their people, so the cultural milieu for understanding God’s word changes. In the modern and post-modern world, we have developed a reflective cultural milieu, one that examines the historical origin and the validity of our traditions. Hence, in a new era, the Holy Spirit will reveal new insights.
God’s word acts as history unfolds. God’s word as logos is not a philosophical concept or a phrase to be memorized and used to test whether others have memorized the word or particular word. God’s word as logos in the fourth Gospel is a translation of the Hebrew term dabar, and as we see in the previous passage from Isaiah, God’s dabar is active in history. This leads us to ask, as we proclaim that the disciples were hiding from “the Jews” and that “the Jews” conspired to kill Christ, whether, in this translation, we are actively listening to how God is speaking his word to us now, in a world in which Christians have killed and tortured millions of Jews from the time of Constantine to 1948 and in which Christians have been involved in conflicts with Jews from the time of Constantine until this present moment. Can the Holy Spirit who guides the Church be leading Catholics to conclude that centuries of brutality toward and suspicion toward “the Jews” motivated by the fourth Gospel’s blaming “the Jews” for the death of Christ endorse maintaining the current translation of Hoi Ioudaioi as “the Jews”? This question is particularly relevant as we consider the words of Pope John Paul II (as he comments upon Vatican II’s document on Judaism and other non-Christian religions):
We deeply regret the errors and failures of those sons and daughters of the Church. We make our own what is said in the Second Vatican Council's Declaration Nostra Aetate, which unequivocally affirms: "The Church ... mindful of her common patrimony with the Jews, and motivated by the Gospel's spiritual love and by no political considerations, deplores the hatred, persecutions and displays of anti-Semitism directed against the Jews at any time and from any source".(18)
The highlighted terms “from any source” call us to reflect: can we finally in all humility and sincerity admit that the language of one of the four canonical Gospels is a source of anti-Judaism and hence, anti-Semitism? As a Catholic, I find that I can answer this question very easily. Since we belong to a communitarian tradition that recognizes that it was the Holy Spirit motivating human Christian communities to produce each Gospel, we can say “Yes, our tradition has some minor distortions which can be corrected and one of those corrections is the mistranslation of Hoi Ioudaioi as ‘the Jews.’” The Catholic Church is communitarian. Interpreting the Bible in the Catholic Church is never just a ”me and Jesus” operation. We believe that scripture developed within the context of the situation in life of the early Christian community. We also know that the community deliberated and discerned about which writings should belong in the Christian Scriptures. Within this context of communal interpretation, we have come to understand that the community teaches authoritatively. Hence the term “magisterium”—the official teaching authority of the community. The magisterium, the teaching office of the Bishops in union with the Pope, tends to get a lot of negative news coverage, and in some cases, justifiably so. There have been times when bishops have erroneously disciplined theologians. The history of the development of Catholic doctrine tends to read like this: scholar X publishes a legitimate interpretation, the Pope or individual bishops investigate the interpretation, the bishops declare the interpretation erroneous and suppress the theologian’s writings, after a generation or two, the magisterium decides that after all, the interpretation is insightful, even authoritative. In such a manner, Thomas Aquinas, Galileo, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, John Courtney Murray, Karl Rahner, and certain aspects of liberation theology have been suppressed and then embraced. In the case of this translation, I know of no scholar whose writings have been suppressed, but I do know of many Catholics who have puzzled about how to read “the Jews.” We have been seriously studying this situation for decades and wondering about solutions. I think we should consider an act of magisterial teaching authority.
It is important to note that the actions of individual members of what we consider the magisterium or at least the historical forerunners of those we call the magisterium have not always treated Jews with kindness. As a matter of fact, their acting on the mistranslation of the Gospel of John has produced the following anti-Judaic statements (which no doubt led to anti-Judaic actions):
Justin Martyr in his Dialogue with Trypho claimed that Jewish suffering was due to the fact that “the Jews” had killed the Messiah:
For the circumcision according to the flesh, which is from Abraham, was given for a sign; that you may be separated from other nations, and from us; and that you alone may suffer that which you now justly suffer; and that your land may be desolate, and your cities burned with fire; and that strangers may eat your fruit in your presence, and not one of you may go up to Jerusalem.' For you are not recognised among the rest of men by any other mark than your fleshly circumcision. For none of you, I suppose, will venture to say that God neither did nor does foresee the events, which are future, nor fore-ordained his deserts for each one. Accordingly, these things have happened to you in fairness and justice, for you have slain the Just One, and His prophets before Him.[4]
Augustine follows suit in Against Faustus: “the Church admits and avows the Jewish people to be cursed, because after killing Christ they continue to till the ground of an earthly circumcision. . .”[5]
Augustine again in On the Psalms:
O you Jews, killed him. Whence did you kill Him? With the sword of the tongue: for ye did whet your tongues. And when did ye smite, except when ye cried out, “Crucify, crucify”? .... This is the whole of the Jews sagacity, this is that which they sought as some great matter. Let us kill and let us not kill: so let us kill, as that we may not ourselves be judged to have killed’[6]
John Chrysostom is even more shocking in that he prescribes a particular course of action for what he considers the crime of “The Jews”: “Although such beasts are unfit for work, they are fit for killing. And this is what happened to the Jews: while they were making themselves unfit for work, they grew fit for slaughter.”[7]
Now, ironically, I will make the case that the very same men who misinterpreted the Gospel of John also provided a method for undoing the mistranslation that led to the current crisis. Consider the fact that the New Testament canon was not given some universal official status until 393 at the Council of Hippo Regius (The canon was finally defined at an ecumenical council at Trent in the 1540s). That is, the early Church bishops and theologians actually debated which writings from the early Church should be considered inspired. There were a series of debates. One of the first concerned the writings of Gnostic Christians. Around 180 CE, Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, rejected the Gnostic Gospels because they did not teach what was taught in the churches that were founded by the apostles of Jesus. Later debates considered whether or not the Book of Revelation should be included in the canon. The fact that the community debated which texts should be included based upon what the apostles had taught their ancestors which their ancestors in the Christian faith then orally passed down to them points to a deeper reality—the later words about Jesus were judged by what the Christian community was living which was inherited from those who had lived with Jesus. What the apostles, who were Jewish, had lived, was caritas flowing from agape—love. It is telling that Irenaeus considers the Gnostic writings outside the canon because they did not contain passion and death accounts—the very testimony of Christ’s love. So, what we can conclude is that the reality of love guided the early leaders of the Church as they considered the validity of various writings about Jesus. Why then, did they do the unloving thing and include passages blaming the Jews for the death of Christ? They were people of their time. Walter Benjamin once remarked that every act of civilization is also an act of barbarism. Rene Girard has demonstrated that as cultures are forming, including our early Christian culture, people tend to be scapegoated. It is a dynamic of the culture of humanity to exclude, even to do violence to, an “other.” However, in all truly Catholic traditions, traditions that are open to the whole truth, we seek to move beyond the violent, resentful dynamic of culture and move into the kingdom of God, which excludes no one.
But does moving into the kingdom of God include re-translating a Gospel? Yes, since to do so would continue our acts of repentance (teshuva) for two millennia of massacres, demonstrate to Jewish people that the Catholic Church is a real peace-maker when dealing with fate of Israel, and prevent future discord between Christians and Jews. Consider the following situation: nothing better exemplifies harmony between Christians and Jews than the loving marriage between a Christian and a Jew. But imagine what it must be like for the Jewish spouse who accompanies his/her Christian spouse to a Christian liturgy and hears that “the Jews” conspired to kill the Christian messiah. It has to cause extreme discomfort. To overcome this and other possible suffering, we need to change the translation.
How then can the Catholic Church claim authority to change a translation which has stood for two millennia? Consider the change to be proposed:
John 8:32-44:
Jesus then said to a crowd of people who believed in him, "If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." They answered him, "We are descendants of Abraham and have never been enslaved to anyone. 16 How can you say, 'You will become free'?" Jesus answered them, "Amen, amen, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin. A slave does not remain in a household forever, but a son 17 always remains. So if a son frees you, then you will truly be free. I know that you are descendants of Abraham. But you are trying to kill me, because my word has no room among you. 18 I tell you what I have seen in the Father's presence; then do what you have heard from the Father." 19 They answered and said to him, "Our father is Abraham." Jesus said to them, "If you were Abraham's children, you would be doing the works of Abraham. But now you are trying to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God; Abraham did not do this. You are doing the works of your father!" (So) they said to him, "We are not illegitimate. We have one Father, God." Jesus said to them, "If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and am here; I did not come on my own, but he sent me. Why do you not understand what I am saying? Because you cannot bear to hear my word. You belong to your father the devil and you willingly carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in truth, because there is no truth in him.
John 19:15
And he said to the Jewish authorities, "Behold, your king!"
They cried out, "Take him away, take him away! Crucify him!"
John 20:19
On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear of the authorities
There is nothing lost and everything gained from the proposed change. Jesus is still Messiah. Christian moral teaching is still grounded. No doctrines have been altered and the violence that existed in previous translations has been overcome.
As we examine the various possible translations of a Gospel, we need to remember that each Gospel did not fall from the sky ready to interpret itself. In each of the communities that produced a Gospel, the community acted under the guidance of the Holy Spirit in re-telling the stories of Jesus that related to their situation in life. Each Gospel was the product of a tradition of communal reflection. The community would ask, as I am asking, what words of Jesus will help us to live life fully—and that means justly—today, and the words of Jesus most relevant then as now are love and metanoia.
The change that metanoia brings is intellectual, moral and religious and one of the intellectual changes that Christians most need is to accept that inspiration does not mean that the word of God was divinely dictated to each evangelist. Each evangelist was in most cases a representative of a community that reflected on the meaning of the life of Jesus in relation to their communal living. In the case of the Fourth Gospel, the community reflected on the meaning of the life of Jesus and developed the awesome theology of Jesus as “the word” that became flesh. Some of the most moving theology in the Christian tradition is found in the Gospel of John, but there is another element of that Gospel. It was the product of a community that had suffered a wound—they had been turned away from Jewish synagogues because of their belief in Jesus. They then did what many human beings do—they wrote their resentment into a text—the Gospel text. They were Jews who had come to believe that Jesus was divine and were now grappling with being rejected from a community to which they had belonged. It was at that point that they decided to re-write the history of the Roman crucifixion of Jesus and to blame his death on the community that had rejected them—“the Jews.” Every Catholic teacher explains that, as Vatican II explained, the Bible is “the word of God in the words of human beings.” There is a divine element to scripture and a human element to scripture. “Hoi Ioudaioi” is a product of the sinful human element of resentment. As such, it is not essential to the word of God. Because of this, the Universal Magisterium, through synod or otherwise, should adopt this new translation.
In this paper, since I am not an ecclesiologist, I will not consider what the proper limits of Magisterial authority are. I will simply make the case that the Bishops of the Catholic Church have the authority to adopt this new translation. We have interpreted scripture in the context of a dynamic tradition for 2000 years. The community, in prayer, debate, and reflection took 330 years to agree on which early Christian writings it would consider to be inspired. In the meantime, Christian Bishops and theologians were busy defining doctrine. For example, in 325 at Nicea, “homoousion,” which is not a Biblical term, was introduced into the creed. The term defines how Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox Christians understand Jesus—that he is “one in being with” the Father. This occurred 42 years before the Council of Hippo Regius defined the canon. The Church’s use of homoousion helped the community to understand the meaning of the Gospel even before the Church had finally agreed on which books should be included in the New Testament canon. Hence, the authority of the magisterium has in many ways translated the meaning of the Gospel to the community. For this reason, the magisterium can make a decision regarding the proper translation of a Biblical term which has produced such turmoil in our attempt to imitate Christ.
For all of these reasons, at this time, having heeded Pope John Paul II’s insights regarding the Shoah, having listened to the Bishops and theologians of the Church at Vatican II and having prayed with Pope Benedict over the reality that God is love and that love is lived, I urge a more loving, more living translation of the Gospel of John. The term “the Jews” must be removed from the Gospel and “Hoi Ioudaioi” must be translated as “the crowd” or “the authorities.”I hope now, as I pray with the Gospel of John, that as I enter into the resurrection scene, my fears might better connect with the fears of the early disciples. We all have fears and we are all surprised when the risen Lord enters our scene and blows them away. I have fears, but I do not fear Jews, nor do I even want to imagine that there is any reason to fear a people as forgiving, as intelligent, as generous, and as helpful as the Jewish community.
[1] L'Osservatore Romano, 1 November 1997, p. 6.
[2] Reported by Jeremiah Marquez, SFGate, online service of the San Francisco Chronicle, Monday, July 31, 2006, (accessed October 24, 2009).
[3], Wednesday, June 10, 2009, (Accessed October 24, 2009).
[4] Justin, Dialogue with Trypho, Chapter XVI, Early Christian Writings,
[5] St. Augustine, Against Faustus, Chapter 11 (Translation by Richard Stothert),
[6] St Augustine, On the Psalms, 63:4,5, quoted in Fr. Vasile Mihoc, St Paul and the Jews According to St John Chrysostom’s Commentary on Romans 9-11,, September 30, 2009.
[7] Medieval Sourcebook: Saint John Chrysostom: Eight Homilies Against the Jews,
As I pray with the resurrection accounts in Chapter 20 of the Gospel of John, in my imagination, I can see a silhouette of the risen Lord, in my backyard, inviting me to be with him. There is no artifice in him. He plays no games. He just is and his presence fills my heart with hope. For a very significant moment, I am not concerned about the affairs of the secular world. For a moment, I feel my purpose renewed. Glances and shimmering fragments of grace enlighten my mind, but then there is a jarring moment. I come upon the sentence “On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews. . . .” “The Jews”--the phrase bounces around in my mind. The disciples are afraid of the Jews. But the disciples were Jews. I return to the risen Lord. He’s still there, but now I am watching him with this awareness, that somewhere in the scene, the disciples are afraid of “the Jews.” These disciples—Peter, whom we as Catholics consider the first bishop of Rome, James, John, and other heroes of the early Church, they are afraid of the Jews. Why are they afraid of “the Jews”? We get our answer in John 19:6-7 in which Pilate protests that Jesus is innocent and “The Jews answered, ‘We have a law, and according to that law he ought to die. . .’” Later in John 19: 15 “The Jews cried out ‘Take him away! Crucify him.” As John portrays it, even though Jesus was crucified by the Romans, it is “the Jews” who have demanded his execution. Not “the Jewish Sanhedrin of Jesus’ day.” Not “the Jewish authorities,” but “The Jews.” Now why would a group of Jewish disciples be afraid of “the Jews”? Jesus himself was a Jew. It sounds a lot like saying that, after the assassination of Martin Luther King, the followers of Dr. King stayed in a locked room “for fear of the Americans.”
Sensing the absurdity present in the current text, we need to use our minds. The phrase “the Jews” is a translation of the Greek “hoi Ioudaioi.” Every major Protestant and Catholic Biblical scholar has explained that “hoi Ioudaioi” was not spoken by Jesus. In The Community of the Beloved Disciple, Fr. Raymond Brown, one of the best Biblical critics, Catholic or Protestant, of the past 50 years, argues that the word was inserted into the Fourth Gospel by the community that produced the Fourth Gospel because they had most probably been thrown out of Jewish synagogues after the council of Jamnia. It reflects a late first century polemic.
In the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, the Church has been very clear about the danger of misinterpreting these texts (that is, claiming that “the Jews”—that is, every Jew of Jesus’ day-- conspired to kill Jesus. At Vatican II, the Church taught in Nostra Aetate that all of the Jews of Jesus’ day and the Jews of later generations are not to be blamed for the death of Christ. In his Speech to Symposium on the roots of anti-Judaism, Pope John Paul II has written “In the Christian world—I do not say on the part of the Church as such—erroneous and unjust interpretations of the New Testament regarding the Jewish people and their alleged culpability have circulated for too long, engendering feelings of hostility towards this people." He mentions in his Reflection on the Shoah that “Such interpretations of the New Testament have been totally and definitively rejected by the Second Vatican Council.”[1]
Yet, as I contemplate the scene and when I hear it read from the pulpit, I find the phrase “the Jews” jarring. Moreover, even though the Church has made it clear that these passages have to be placed in their historical context, as they are read, they have a particular effect. I contend that the very translation of the phrase “Hoi Ioudaioi” as “the Jews” fosters anti-Judaism and anti-Semitism. First we need to clarify those terms. Anti-Judaism is a religious hatred and as such contains no racial hatred. Anti-Semitism, intimately connected to anti-Judaism, is a racial hatred. For the purpose of this paper, the two are so inter-related that I will use the terms interchangeably. It seems to me that centuries of anti-Judaism led to the anti-Semitism of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Today, as in the past, we need to examine why anti-Semitism and its closely related phenomenon anti-Judaism continue to exist.
At face and when analyzed, anti-Semitism is thoroughly irrational. In the first half of the twentieth century, when anti-Semitism reached its horrific zenith, the Jewish community was accused of controlling the world financial system and at the same time causing the Bolshevism that sought to undermine it—a strange and existentially vicious contradiction. Yet it was revealing—Nazis and Christians were obsessed with the Jew as a conspirator, always nefarious. Why would such an image develop? While I was attending a Bearing Witness Program in Washington, DC, one Catholic commentator remarked that anti-Judaism has been part of the Christian collective unconscious. Inasmuch as images of the Blessed Mother and the risen Christ give us peace, the unconscious image (archetype?) of Jews as conspiring to harm Christ and by extension--Christians has led us to horrific acts and outlandish accusations. It also seems that, sometime during modernity, anti-Judaism crept into the collective unconscious of Muslims. I personally think that there are many factors that contribute to anti-Semitism with the anti-Judaism of Christian sources being one of the most important factors. The views that led to the Nazi Holocaust were also fed by a bizarre racial Darwinism, rising nationalism in Europe, and a rejection of spirituality and ethics as the cultural grounding of Europe. Nonetheless, for decades we have been grappling with the question why so many Christians, Protestant and Catholic, actively cooperated with Nazism or were unwilling to risk their own lives to save the lives of their Jewish neighbors. Examining the anti-Semitic statements made by influential Christians over the last four decades such as Richard Nixon’s paranoiac “The Jews are all over the government. . . Most Jews are disloyal” and Mel Gibson’s, "The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world,"[2] we have to admit that to Christians, in many ways, Jews remain an other whom we frequently feel discomfort with, and even suspicion towards. Consider the Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s claim that President Obama will not talk with him not because the President considers it prudent to part ways with a man who has made overtly racist comments, but because “them Jews aren't going to let him talk to me."[3] The Vatican’s welcoming back of Lefebvrist Bishop Williamson who (prior to discipline from Rome) had denied the Holocaust and accused the Jewish people of plotting world domination has once again brought the issue into the light. Because of this, I think it is time to take some significant action to undo the errors in the Gospel narrative that have leached their way into our Christian Collective Unconscious. It is time for a hermeneutical and translative metanoia .
Why consider a change in translation? First, if we simply reflect on our lived experience, we will have to admit that from time to time, we hear the word “Jew” used in a contemptuous way, and if not contemptuously, then irreverently or mockingly. What is the historical source of the association of the phrase “the Jews” with someone or something demonic? The clear answer is the historical roots of the expression in the Gospel of John. If we consider a different ethnic phrase such as “the English” or “the Americans,” we will have to admit that it does not carry the same linguistic valence. In and of itself, if a Jewish person were to say, “I am a Jew” there is no negativity to that. If someone were to say, “Jews are literate people” he would simply be stating a fact, but if a non-Jew says, “Here comes a Jew” or “Oh, the Jews” there is a bite, a sting to it. If you doubt this, consider the difference between saying “The members of the Jewish community are discussing this issue” and “The Jews are discussing this issue.” “The Jews,” when uttered by non-Jews with a particular tone, brings to mind the 2000 year old Christian habit of proclaiming on certain liturgical days that the Jews are conspiring to kill the savior. Quite simply, one must wonder how the cultural usage of the phrase “the Jews” would change if we changed the translation from “the Jews” to “the authorities.” I consider this particularly relevant because at The Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament in Washington DC, sometime in 1994, I heard a young Catholic priest preaching about the Gospel of John say, “And who is it that gives Jesus trouble? Why, of course, the Jews.” Thankfully, that was the only time I have ever heard a priest say such a thing.
As I comment upon this issue, I do so as one who has undergone his own metanoia. As a child, I knew only one Jewish boy. He was ridiculed by many of my Christian friends. One friend in particular would shout “Jew” or “Hebe” whenever we saw David. I didn’t always like it when he did it. In all honesty, I didn’t shout at the Jewish boy, but I didn’t tell my friend to be quiet. I didn’t find it funny, but I didn’t see why I should stand up to my friend and ask him to stop. On another occasion, when I was fourteen, thinking it funny to be obnoxious around my Catholic friends, I did shout something offensive to a group of Jewish students at a rival high school. They laughed—more at the shock value than anything else. On another occasion, when I was in college, a relative of mine (who tends to say ethnic things about everyone, himself included) continuously referred to one man as “Herbie the Jew.”
Now that we have established the fact that the current translation of the Gospel of John has fomented hatred and intolerance in our world, we next need to consider why the effect that a translation has upon a society determines the validity of a translation. Every translation is an interpretation. For example, St. Jerome, influenced by his own theological horizons, translated the opening verse of Psalm 23 as “The Lord rules me.” This translation, the Vulgate, stood as the official Catholic interpretation that was read at the Mass, prayed with, and studied in seminaries for a Millenium. Throughout the centuries, the Jewish community had always understood that translation to be less accurate than the translation we use now: “The Lord is my shepherd.” In Protestant circles, “The Lord is my shepherd” became the translation thanks to the reformers. How does this particular verse demonstrate that every translation is an interpretation? During the act of translation, a translator studies many different translations of the Bible. That is, when translating the Hebrew Scriptures, she looks at a variety of early Hebrew or Greek versions, the Aramaic targums, Jerome’s Vulgate, English translations, French translations, and countless other texts and compares how a particular verse is written in those texts. As seen in Psalm 23, one Bible may understand Psalm 23 as “the Lord rules me” and another may understand the Psalm as “the Lord is my shepherd.” These are very different understandings. “The Lord is my shepherd” is much more tender than “the Lord rules me,” and given the Christian and Jewish experience of a loving God, “the Lord is my shepherd” is the more accurate translation. As translators have analyzed the Psalms, they have also analyzed the Greek New Testament. When a translator is considering a particular passage, she once again compares a variety of texts. Basically, a translator, or more accurately, a community of translators looks at the various reasons for a translation, discerns how the Spirit of Truth is at work, and then makes a decision about how the translation should be written. How does the nature of a translation weigh in on the translation of “Hoi Ioudaioi”? We must study the various texts and look at all of the reasons it has been translated as “the Jews.” We must ask as we asked with Psalm 23 whether “the Jews” is the most loving translation of “Hoi Ioudaioi.”
At The Catholic University of America, when I would discuss Biblical translation and interpretation with Professor Stephen Happel, personal theologian to Cardinal McCarrick, he would remind me that a text is the performance of the text and that there is no such thing as a value neutral translation. Dr. Happel would frequently point out that a text is just “marks on a page” until there is a reader who interprets those marks on the page. The Bible has never been able to read itself. It becomes the Word of God for a community as it is read, and in the reading, performed, that is, lived by the community of readers. Moreover, the translation is always informed by the moral, theological and spiritual horizons of the translators. That is, the task of translation is always informed by the level of a translator’s attentiveness to all of the relevant data regarding a text, the intelligence of the translator, the ability of the translator to discern the various reasons for a particular translation and against another translation, and by the commitment of a translator to the responsible use of skills as he seeks to live what he has learned from the study of translation.
What makes a good translation is a good translator and a good translator is aware of the history of translations and the effects those translations have had upon the Christian community as we attempt to live the Gospel in the world of Christians and non-Christians. Another way to understand this is to say that the Christian Truth is a lived truth. It is not an abstraction. We understand this from the beautiful poetry, the inspired word, of the Fourth Gospel itself. As the community of the Fourth Gospel produced the Fourth Gospel, the community reflected on the meaning of the oral tradition about Jesus, and guided by the Holy Spirit, the community tells us that Jesus said that he is the “way, the truth and the life.” Jesus, the word of God (John 1:1), tells us that he is the truth. Jesus is alive. The truth is something that lives. It is not just a concept that we memorize and then talk about. It is the way of love. “Beloved, let us love one another for love is of God and God is love.” (1 John 4:7) What does this mean for translation? It means that a Christian translation is valid if it promotes love and understanding. An interpretation that promotes division and suspicion between Christians and another religion is not a living truth but a distortion and an interpretation that has historically encouraged Christians to slaughter Jews or to stand by in indifference as Jews are slaughtered, terrorized, or neglected (as the translation “the Jews” has done) is completely antithetical to the truth.
Furthermore, as Christians, we know that God’s word is active. As the Lord tells us in Isaiah 55,
9 As high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are my ways above your ways and my thoughts above your thoughts.
For just as from the heavens the rain and snow come down And do not return there till they have watered the earth, making it fertile and fruitful, Giving seed to him who sows and bread to him who eats,
So shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; It shall not return to me void, but shall do my will, achieving the end for which I sent it.
The word of God acts like the rain and snow, actively watering the fields. Moisture accumulates, the clouds gather, the moisture actively condenses in time, and acts in time to water the fields. Then the wheat and corn grow. God’s word is spoken in time, written in time, translated in time, meditated upon in time, discussed in time and lived in time. As the weather changes, as farmers develop new strategies for harnessing the weather to feed their people, so the cultural milieu for understanding God’s word changes. In the modern and post-modern world, we have developed a reflective cultural milieu, one that examines the historical origin and the validity of our traditions. Hence, in a new era, the Holy Spirit will reveal new insights.
God’s word acts as history unfolds. God’s word as logos is not a philosophical concept or a phrase to be memorized and used to test whether others have memorized the word or particular word. God’s word as logos in the fourth Gospel is a translation of the Hebrew term dabar, and as we see in the previous passage from Isaiah, God’s dabar is active in history. This leads us to ask, as we proclaim that the disciples were hiding from “the Jews” and that “the Jews” conspired to kill Christ, whether, in this translation, we are actively listening to how God is speaking his word to us now, in a world in which Christians have killed and tortured millions of Jews from the time of Constantine to 1948 and in which Christians have been involved in conflicts with Jews from the time of Constantine until this present moment. Can the Holy Spirit who guides the Church be leading Catholics to conclude that centuries of brutality toward and suspicion toward “the Jews” motivated by the fourth Gospel’s blaming “the Jews” for the death of Christ endorse maintaining the current translation of Hoi Ioudaioi as “the Jews”? This question is particularly relevant as we consider the words of Pope John Paul II (as he comments upon Vatican II’s document on Judaism and other non-Christian religions):
We deeply regret the errors and failures of those sons and daughters of the Church. We make our own what is said in the Second Vatican Council's Declaration Nostra Aetate, which unequivocally affirms: "The Church ... mindful of her common patrimony with the Jews, and motivated by the Gospel's spiritual love and by no political considerations, deplores the hatred, persecutions and displays of anti-Semitism directed against the Jews at any time and from any source".(18)
The highlighted terms “from any source” call us to reflect: can we finally in all humility and sincerity admit that the language of one of the four canonical Gospels is a source of anti-Judaism and hence, anti-Semitism? As a Catholic, I find that I can answer this question very easily. Since we belong to a communitarian tradition that recognizes that it was the Holy Spirit motivating human Christian communities to produce each Gospel, we can say “Yes, our tradition has some minor distortions which can be corrected and one of those corrections is the mistranslation of Hoi Ioudaioi as ‘the Jews.’” The Catholic Church is communitarian. Interpreting the Bible in the Catholic Church is never just a ”me and Jesus” operation. We believe that scripture developed within the context of the situation in life of the early Christian community. We also know that the community deliberated and discerned about which writings should belong in the Christian Scriptures. Within this context of communal interpretation, we have come to understand that the community teaches authoritatively. Hence the term “magisterium”—the official teaching authority of the community. The magisterium, the teaching office of the Bishops in union with the Pope, tends to get a lot of negative news coverage, and in some cases, justifiably so. There have been times when bishops have erroneously disciplined theologians. The history of the development of Catholic doctrine tends to read like this: scholar X publishes a legitimate interpretation, the Pope or individual bishops investigate the interpretation, the bishops declare the interpretation erroneous and suppress the theologian’s writings, after a generation or two, the magisterium decides that after all, the interpretation is insightful, even authoritative. In such a manner, Thomas Aquinas, Galileo, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, John Courtney Murray, Karl Rahner, and certain aspects of liberation theology have been suppressed and then embraced. In the case of this translation, I know of no scholar whose writings have been suppressed, but I do know of many Catholics who have puzzled about how to read “the Jews.” We have been seriously studying this situation for decades and wondering about solutions. I think we should consider an act of magisterial teaching authority.
It is important to note that the actions of individual members of what we consider the magisterium or at least the historical forerunners of those we call the magisterium have not always treated Jews with kindness. As a matter of fact, their acting on the mistranslation of the Gospel of John has produced the following anti-Judaic statements (which no doubt led to anti-Judaic actions):
Justin Martyr in his Dialogue with Trypho claimed that Jewish suffering was due to the fact that “the Jews” had killed the Messiah:
For the circumcision according to the flesh, which is from Abraham, was given for a sign; that you may be separated from other nations, and from us; and that you alone may suffer that which you now justly suffer; and that your land may be desolate, and your cities burned with fire; and that strangers may eat your fruit in your presence, and not one of you may go up to Jerusalem.' For you are not recognised among the rest of men by any other mark than your fleshly circumcision. For none of you, I suppose, will venture to say that God neither did nor does foresee the events, which are future, nor fore-ordained his deserts for each one. Accordingly, these things have happened to you in fairness and justice, for you have slain the Just One, and His prophets before Him.[4]
Augustine follows suit in Against Faustus: “the Church admits and avows the Jewish people to be cursed, because after killing Christ they continue to till the ground of an earthly circumcision. . .”[5]
Augustine again in On the Psalms:
O you Jews, killed him. Whence did you kill Him? With the sword of the tongue: for ye did whet your tongues. And when did ye smite, except when ye cried out, “Crucify, crucify”? .... This is the whole of the Jews sagacity, this is that which they sought as some great matter. Let us kill and let us not kill: so let us kill, as that we may not ourselves be judged to have killed’[6]
John Chrysostom is even more shocking in that he prescribes a particular course of action for what he considers the crime of “The Jews”: “Although such beasts are unfit for work, they are fit for killing. And this is what happened to the Jews: while they were making themselves unfit for work, they grew fit for slaughter.”[7]
Now, ironically, I will make the case that the very same men who misinterpreted the Gospel of John also provided a method for undoing the mistranslation that led to the current crisis. Consider the fact that the New Testament canon was not given some universal official status until 393 at the Council of Hippo Regius (The canon was finally defined at an ecumenical council at Trent in the 1540s). That is, the early Church bishops and theologians actually debated which writings from the early Church should be considered inspired. There were a series of debates. One of the first concerned the writings of Gnostic Christians. Around 180 CE, Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, rejected the Gnostic Gospels because they did not teach what was taught in the churches that were founded by the apostles of Jesus. Later debates considered whether or not the Book of Revelation should be included in the canon. The fact that the community debated which texts should be included based upon what the apostles had taught their ancestors which their ancestors in the Christian faith then orally passed down to them points to a deeper reality—the later words about Jesus were judged by what the Christian community was living which was inherited from those who had lived with Jesus. What the apostles, who were Jewish, had lived, was caritas flowing from agape—love. It is telling that Irenaeus considers the Gnostic writings outside the canon because they did not contain passion and death accounts—the very testimony of Christ’s love. So, what we can conclude is that the reality of love guided the early leaders of the Church as they considered the validity of various writings about Jesus. Why then, did they do the unloving thing and include passages blaming the Jews for the death of Christ? They were people of their time. Walter Benjamin once remarked that every act of civilization is also an act of barbarism. Rene Girard has demonstrated that as cultures are forming, including our early Christian culture, people tend to be scapegoated. It is a dynamic of the culture of humanity to exclude, even to do violence to, an “other.” However, in all truly Catholic traditions, traditions that are open to the whole truth, we seek to move beyond the violent, resentful dynamic of culture and move into the kingdom of God, which excludes no one.
But does moving into the kingdom of God include re-translating a Gospel? Yes, since to do so would continue our acts of repentance (teshuva) for two millennia of massacres, demonstrate to Jewish people that the Catholic Church is a real peace-maker when dealing with fate of Israel, and prevent future discord between Christians and Jews. Consider the following situation: nothing better exemplifies harmony between Christians and Jews than the loving marriage between a Christian and a Jew. But imagine what it must be like for the Jewish spouse who accompanies his/her Christian spouse to a Christian liturgy and hears that “the Jews” conspired to kill the Christian messiah. It has to cause extreme discomfort. To overcome this and other possible suffering, we need to change the translation.
How then can the Catholic Church claim authority to change a translation which has stood for two millennia? Consider the change to be proposed:
John 8:32-44:
Jesus then said to a crowd of people who believed in him, "If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." They answered him, "We are descendants of Abraham and have never been enslaved to anyone. 16 How can you say, 'You will become free'?" Jesus answered them, "Amen, amen, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin. A slave does not remain in a household forever, but a son 17 always remains. So if a son frees you, then you will truly be free. I know that you are descendants of Abraham. But you are trying to kill me, because my word has no room among you. 18 I tell you what I have seen in the Father's presence; then do what you have heard from the Father." 19 They answered and said to him, "Our father is Abraham." Jesus said to them, "If you were Abraham's children, you would be doing the works of Abraham. But now you are trying to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God; Abraham did not do this. You are doing the works of your father!" (So) they said to him, "We are not illegitimate. We have one Father, God." Jesus said to them, "If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and am here; I did not come on my own, but he sent me. Why do you not understand what I am saying? Because you cannot bear to hear my word. You belong to your father the devil and you willingly carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in truth, because there is no truth in him.
John 19:15
And he said to the Jewish authorities, "Behold, your king!"
They cried out, "Take him away, take him away! Crucify him!"
John 20:19
On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were, for fear of the authorities
There is nothing lost and everything gained from the proposed change. Jesus is still Messiah. Christian moral teaching is still grounded. No doctrines have been altered and the violence that existed in previous translations has been overcome.
As we examine the various possible translations of a Gospel, we need to remember that each Gospel did not fall from the sky ready to interpret itself. In each of the communities that produced a Gospel, the community acted under the guidance of the Holy Spirit in re-telling the stories of Jesus that related to their situation in life. Each Gospel was the product of a tradition of communal reflection. The community would ask, as I am asking, what words of Jesus will help us to live life fully—and that means justly—today, and the words of Jesus most relevant then as now are love and metanoia.
The change that metanoia brings is intellectual, moral and religious and one of the intellectual changes that Christians most need is to accept that inspiration does not mean that the word of God was divinely dictated to each evangelist. Each evangelist was in most cases a representative of a community that reflected on the meaning of the life of Jesus in relation to their communal living. In the case of the Fourth Gospel, the community reflected on the meaning of the life of Jesus and developed the awesome theology of Jesus as “the word” that became flesh. Some of the most moving theology in the Christian tradition is found in the Gospel of John, but there is another element of that Gospel. It was the product of a community that had suffered a wound—they had been turned away from Jewish synagogues because of their belief in Jesus. They then did what many human beings do—they wrote their resentment into a text—the Gospel text. They were Jews who had come to believe that Jesus was divine and were now grappling with being rejected from a community to which they had belonged. It was at that point that they decided to re-write the history of the Roman crucifixion of Jesus and to blame his death on the community that had rejected them—“the Jews.” Every Catholic teacher explains that, as Vatican II explained, the Bible is “the word of God in the words of human beings.” There is a divine element to scripture and a human element to scripture. “Hoi Ioudaioi” is a product of the sinful human element of resentment. As such, it is not essential to the word of God. Because of this, the Universal Magisterium, through synod or otherwise, should adopt this new translation.
In this paper, since I am not an ecclesiologist, I will not consider what the proper limits of Magisterial authority are. I will simply make the case that the Bishops of the Catholic Church have the authority to adopt this new translation. We have interpreted scripture in the context of a dynamic tradition for 2000 years. The community, in prayer, debate, and reflection took 330 years to agree on which early Christian writings it would consider to be inspired. In the meantime, Christian Bishops and theologians were busy defining doctrine. For example, in 325 at Nicea, “homoousion,” which is not a Biblical term, was introduced into the creed. The term defines how Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox Christians understand Jesus—that he is “one in being with” the Father. This occurred 42 years before the Council of Hippo Regius defined the canon. The Church’s use of homoousion helped the community to understand the meaning of the Gospel even before the Church had finally agreed on which books should be included in the New Testament canon. Hence, the authority of the magisterium has in many ways translated the meaning of the Gospel to the community. For this reason, the magisterium can make a decision regarding the proper translation of a Biblical term which has produced such turmoil in our attempt to imitate Christ.
For all of these reasons, at this time, having heeded Pope John Paul II’s insights regarding the Shoah, having listened to the Bishops and theologians of the Church at Vatican II and having prayed with Pope Benedict over the reality that God is love and that love is lived, I urge a more loving, more living translation of the Gospel of John. The term “the Jews” must be removed from the Gospel and “Hoi Ioudaioi” must be translated as “the crowd” or “the authorities.”I hope now, as I pray with the Gospel of John, that as I enter into the resurrection scene, my fears might better connect with the fears of the early disciples. We all have fears and we are all surprised when the risen Lord enters our scene and blows them away. I have fears, but I do not fear Jews, nor do I even want to imagine that there is any reason to fear a people as forgiving, as intelligent, as generous, and as helpful as the Jewish community.
[1] L'Osservatore Romano, 1 November 1997, p. 6.
[2] Reported by Jeremiah Marquez, SFGate, online service of the San Francisco Chronicle, Monday, July 31, 2006, (accessed October 24, 2009).
[3], Wednesday, June 10, 2009, (Accessed October 24, 2009).
[4] Justin, Dialogue with Trypho, Chapter XVI, Early Christian Writings,
[5] St. Augustine, Against Faustus, Chapter 11 (Translation by Richard Stothert),
[6] St Augustine, On the Psalms, 63:4,5, quoted in Fr. Vasile Mihoc, St Paul and the Jews According to St John Chrysostom’s Commentary on Romans 9-11,, September 30, 2009.
[7] Medieval Sourcebook: Saint John Chrysostom: Eight Homilies Against the Jews,
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Heartfelt Prayers for the Families and Friends of the Victims of the Foot Hood Shootings
I respect all American soldiers for their courage and for their commitment to the global common good. They liberated the US from tyranny. They have spread Democracy around the world.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Prayer for Creativity and Progress On the Twentieth Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall
We pray that your spirit of progress continues to inspire your people.
We pray that we might envision a new economics, one that overcomes the greed of one error and the envy of the other.
If all human beings are encouraged to dwell on their infinite creativity, will they recognize the infinite dignity of others?
If all human beings are encouraged to live in the paradise of their own freedom, will they spread the joyful zeal of earnest labor?
Yes, LORD, yes. You answer yes!
Let that answer move my heart out of my comfort zone to share the joys, hopes and dreams of all people. Let that answer help me to accept myself as a gift, to love myself as you love yourself and from that self love to give to all in peace, each what they deserve—the right answer at the right time for the right reasons--
We pray that your spirit of progress continues to inspire your people.
We pray that we might envision a new economics, one that overcomes the greed of one error and the envy of the other.
If all human beings are encouraged to dwell on their infinite creativity, will they recognize the infinite dignity of others?
If all human beings are encouraged to live in the paradise of their own freedom, will they spread the joyful zeal of earnest labor?
Yes, LORD, yes. You answer yes!
Let that answer move my heart out of my comfort zone to share the joys, hopes and dreams of all people. Let that answer help me to accept myself as a gift, to love myself as you love yourself and from that self love to give to all in peace, each what they deserve—the right answer at the right time for the right reasons--
Recalling Teilhard's Beautiful Prayer: Patient Trust
Patient Trust - Teilhard de Chardin, SJ
Above all, trust in the slow work of God
We are quite naturally impatient in everything
to reach the end without delay.
We should like to skip the intermediate stages,
We are impatient of being on the way to do something
unknown, something new.
And yet it is the law of all progress
that it is made by passing through
some stages of instability—
and that it may take a very long time.
And so I think it is with you.
your ideas mature gradually—let them grow,
let them shape themselves, without undue haste.
Don’t try to force them on,
as though you could be today what time
(that is to say, grace and circumstances
acting on your own good will)
will make of you tomorrow.
Only God could say what this new spirit
gradually forming within you will be.
Give our Lord the benefit of believing
that his hand is leading you,
and accept the anxiety of feeling yourself
in suspense and incomplete.
Above all, trust in the slow work of God
We are quite naturally impatient in everything
to reach the end without delay.
We should like to skip the intermediate stages,
We are impatient of being on the way to do something
unknown, something new.
And yet it is the law of all progress
that it is made by passing through
some stages of instability—
and that it may take a very long time.
And so I think it is with you.
your ideas mature gradually—let them grow,
let them shape themselves, without undue haste.
Don’t try to force them on,
as though you could be today what time
(that is to say, grace and circumstances
acting on your own good will)
will make of you tomorrow.
Only God could say what this new spirit
gradually forming within you will be.
Give our Lord the benefit of believing
that his hand is leading you,
and accept the anxiety of feeling yourself
in suspense and incomplete.
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